Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Life begins at 3am.................

When I find myself falling asleep during the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show on CBS, I'm guessing it's time for bed. Even a possible beautiful ass sighting cannot help what happened last night.

*More on lingerie later*

It was bad. It was so bad that I could barely walk into the store's backroom to do my job. The whole place consisted of boxes stacked high and strong with toys needing to be taken out to be shelved. Trucks will be coming on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. We didn't even get done til well after 8am but I got to go home at 7am when my extremely red eyes told my boss, Dough, that it's time for me to go home.

I'll put it to you the best I can. We are a strong group of 5-6 people working late at night to deal with the massive amount of toys needing to be placed on our store's shelves. I'm not a stocker but a floor manager that keeps the aisles clear and neat. You won't believe the shit that comes out of various boxes but just know that it's a mess of epic proportions.

We need workers so bad that it's not even funny. 5-6 people are doing the work of 13-16 people, folks. The fact that we didn't even finish while more trucks are on their way should give you an idea as to the craziness of working seasonal. So, from 10pm til 7:01am, I was all over the place, swollen toes and all.

I'm not here to bitch but to show you the other side of things, the stuff you don't see. When you walk into a store that consists of rather large ticket items, ask yourself, "Who put that there?" Baby, I help lead a crew of mighty boys and girls that can do more work in 8 hours than most do all week. Is it any wonder Doug begged me to come back in tonight, a much needed day off?

But I can't. I have a morning appointment to do tomorrow. If last night was any indication, I didn't wake up til well after 2:30pm. Slept like a rock.

So, what have I been doing? Sex is the furthest thing from my mind today. A no sex-entry? As much as I love the topic, my juices just aren't churning so there will be no discussion. Instead, I spent a good hour reading the book consisting of a complete dedication to the Friday the 13th Series, "Crystal Lake Memories." Fascinating stuff on movie making and dealing with ratings. But then again, the sight of a machete slowly going through the left side of a dummy's head warrants such discussion. It's to keep children from turning into mass murderers.

Dad loved Boondock Saints and got into it at the dinner table about what is defined as "shitty shooting." Trust me. Great flick that will explain a lot and with William Defoe in drag? Greatest idea..........EVER! Plus, my dad and I (we do get along every once in a while) brought up the need for more cowbell as in the skit from Saturday Night Live. Never seen it? You are so behind in the greatest humor to grace your life.

FYI: At Hot Topic, there is a light tan t-shirt of Will Ferrell with the words "Need More Cowbell." Perfect for all those that have a sense of humor for a guy willing to throw around his man-gut and pound on that cowbell.

My dog, Bonnie, is going into surgery on December 14th for a hernia. Scary. Clyde, her little boyfriend, is going to go back into his major mopiness in which he will cling to anyone. That's what happened when Bonnie got fixed, the little fucker wouldn't let ya go.

Don't fret for Ugly will be at work tomorrow! I'm dying to know what the latest for shizzle is on the thawing of Stinky's cold heart.

Annoucer: "The last time we left those 2 love birds, Ugly gave Stinky a note seeking closure as to whether they will be "just friends" or something more. We cannot allow those 2 to mate but they deserve each other."

There's lots more to discuss but I have to be up early tomorrow. My body feels like it's been hit by a truck a couple hundred times and then backed over with a steamroller. As much as I love a good knocked down sex session that makes you feel prone to a face down drooling on your girlfriend's carpeted bedroom, the truck thing sucks. G'night, g'morning, and g'afternoon. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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