Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Frolic in brine, goblins be thine"

I have done it. For once, I was able to watch 2 movies easily without fidgeting. The Ring and Ringu will be on their way back to Blockbuster later today.

If you have not seen these movies, don't worry. I won't give too much away. They are really good to see late at night with a friend or two. If you can't handle being alone, well, I warned you.

The Ring and Ringu are basically about a videotape that if anyone watches, they get a call (Hence, the ring) that states the watcher has 7 days til he/she dies. Even if a person does not pick up the phone, it will still happen. What is on the video is basically eerie images. The Ring's are a bit different than Ringu's so I will try to sum up differences later.

The basic question about the story is "who is Smarah?" and "what is she trying to tell?" Is she just pure evil?

What is really neat is how the images are so odd looking. One cannot look away at the grainy footage placed before them. You just have to know what they represent and tell.

Once you watch this movie, it's definitely up for debate with people as to what you just saw. What I really liked was what the curse leads to. I won't give that away as well but let me tell leads to a lot of videotapes. Neat.

I like The Ring more than Ringu. Ringu, although it had the same premise, was based on ESP in which a woman had a kid that could kill with her will. People shunned her and things led to her "death." Fisherman didn't like the fact that she could predict disastor and became scared of her. It was also rumored that she could talk to the sea. The Ring had more to do with a woman wanting to concieve and once she finally does, there's something odd about the girl, Samarah. I'm not going to give anything away but I would love a good debate about this flick!

It's always nice to find a movie that causes people to think about it. Another good one is Donnie Darko, my personal favorite movie about isolation. There are so many ways one could go with both movies since not all is told to you. Use your head and maybe it will come out.

Oh, I read The Christy Report last night. It took a while but I just couldn't put it down. The history of porn is fun to read about. Yeah, I will definitely talk about that later on.

The Christy Report is so good since it gives a point of view that people with no curiousity lack. Hey, sex is fun and is interpretted in different ways. What turns you on may not turn someone else on. Well, let me tell ya, this upcoming entry will be pretty graphic so just it's just a warning. The history of sexuality is a bumpy ride.

Well, I have to run an errand in a short bit. I feel like there are so many things I wanna let out here on Diaryland: MTV, teenagers run amok, porn, and The Ring. I just don't know where to begin, folks! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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