Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Oh, I am so happy to finally be able to make an entry! Last night, there were so many things I wanted to let out but once again, only the gold members could do so. Damn! How long does it take to put up a server?

Attention all those that received pictures of me and some of my friends. Attention Blue Light shoppers here at Kmart. I have an announcement. Last night, I got a mass email from Amanda (Mark's ex) that told of a huge get together in which the possibility of all 20something of us will be at Dave's. It consists of a huge bq in his backyard, a keg, and a lot of good times. I am so happy since The Scooby Gang has not been together in a long time.

So, what does that mean? Pictures of all of us! Whoo. I am bringing my camera and taking huge amounts to remember the times when college was about friendships made and the ones that stayed solid. Bald-O is one of my best mates. Dave was a blast to know and so on. If those of you that received pictures before, well, just let me know if you want to see the whole gang. Once in a lifetime opportunity here......

Right now, I am preparing for a massive entry on the porn. Not all of it has to do with porn but also interesting things I found such as The Pill, vibrators, longest penises, lots of vaginas, and when porn was first found. Lots more as well. I really liked this book and read it straight through. On my bed, are some notes so I don't forget everything. Like I said before, if you are not interested in sexual history, don't read. Don't send me a nasty email telling me that I am "disgusting." Relax, it's just history.

The gym last night was awful. My arm started hurting thanks to the pain coming back. Even though Joe was in the gym (looking up a sorority girl's shorts as usual), I didn't talk to him much. He left early since he was pretty tired from work earlier. Joe wants to hang sometime next week or so. We'll see.

I had to cut my workout short since the pain was there. It made me feel awful and lazy so I pretty much beat myself up last night. Yeah, it takes a lot to get me out of my workout since it relaxes me.

Anyone watching that Fraternity Life on MTV? I think it is......interesting. I knew some guys that were in fraternities. Should I spill secrets? Hmmmmm....

My question about fraternities is this: "Isn't college about meeting people and discovering things rather than only associating yourself with one kind of person?" Weird. One of the reasons I never joined no matter how many times I was asked is that I always looked to those people as "sheep." They followed someone around and pretty much only talked to those in their fraternities. Maybe, I am wrong if that life is for you but I just think a person should know all types of people. I'll have to think more on that to get into it.

Well, wish me luck on this porn entry that will be put up today or tomorrow. I just need to feel that I can sit down for a good 30 to 45 minutes to do this. We'll see.....hope I don't offend too many people. Naw. I probably will! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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