Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
It's been quite a day. I finally changed my hairstyle. If you know me, I change it once a year to avoid confusing myself. Actually, I just like to see how people react at times. "Mike, something is.....uh....what's.....uh...did you do something to yourself for godssake?"

If you wanna know, I am changing my hair to more like Colin Farrel's style he had at the Daredevil premiere. I liked that messed up just got out of bed look. Let's just say that I don't like to spend much time on my hair once I wake up in the morning.

Finally! Something really cool was on MTV and it was the latest Diary segment. Instead of some overpaid celebrity, they did a thing on Kuwait. I loved it. The only thing I wished was that the show to be longer. I wanted to hear more about the life of a Kuwaiti teenager and so on. The whole city looks beautiful, almost like Las Vegas.

What didn't surprise me was the bonding of the soldiers preparing for war. You put a bunch of guys in a tent that have the same mission and it is the best thing in the world. I know. Living with the boys for 2 years made us all close. I once called us "The Boys Of Company C." It has a military ring to it. These guys will be friends for life considering what they are about to do.

It's sad. Although I am not a violent person, I am for war with Iraq. I am not going to get into it since everyone has their opinions. I just have mine. It will cause me great joy to see Saddam gone for good and I hope we torture him for a long amount of time as well as his son, Uday. Uday is considered a rapist, murderer, and torturer. Like father, like son.

Okay, I will get into part 3 of porn tomorrow. This one is kind of for the ladies. It's strange that people still debate this. There will be: most outrageous things people do sexually in my opinion, orgasms, and cumming. Yeah, it's all the shit you don't want to admit to knowing but Hedgehoggy will tell you anyway.

This all depends on a few things. I have to do research on my group project tomorrow in the library. If anyone thinks all I do is stay at home, they are wrong. I am here and there each day. I'm actually happy that I have a group project in some ways since it gives me something to focus on. My part is stocks and bonds of Exxon. Don't worry. I won't bore you.

So, I am a bit sleepy now. I'll be back tomorrow. Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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