Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I was reading the interview of Jay Z in the newest issue of Playboy. Although I disagree with a few of the things he says, there is one statement I relate to. We both don't trust women.

I think after having my heart torn apart by Jen and "She Who Shall Not Be Named," I have had a hard time talking to any girl. There are all kinds of questions running through my head like "why is she even talking to me?" and "what does she want from me?" Granted there are a few exceptions. I trust the PenDragon, Amanda (Mark's ex), Sammy, my mom, and Miss-Edith (yes, you). This isn't much but consider that most of my friends are girls. Hell, I don't trust Stephanie since she is very sneaky and has to have her way in everything. Andrea is very self-centered and rude even more so now than in the past.

It's the feeling of having been used and discarded. Even Erica saw how I felt after being tossed aside by Jen. Yeah, I should have seen it coming when she described our meeting in the elevator. "I took one look at you and said, who is this guy with the veins all around his arms?" It's funny how we hit it off but I guess she had enough of being treated better than her abusive boyfriend. Yeah, I was the understanding dolt that put up with her for too long.

"She Who Shall Not Be Named" was a hard girl to understand. Really hard. One had to set up appointments to see her and if you broke one, well kiss your friendship goodbye. There were too many issues with her as well. I knew some of her secrets as to why she was the way she was. I just thought that maybe if she saw how nice I am that all those bad memories would go away. I really did.

It used to be that I would talk to all kinds of girls. Now I just tend to keep to myself more. There have been too many cases of me being played and having to listen to endless banter about dull topics. I do not need to know everything about NSYNC or eye shadow again!

The girls that I absolutely love to be around are the tomboys. They have a sense of humor about everything and take life as being fun but hard. Nothing stops them from being who they are. Sure, many sorority girls may frown on them but I love 'em!

One of my best friends from the past that I miss is Jenna. She was this girl that lived 2 blocks behind me and could play Kill The Man With The Ball like the best of them. Sure, she wasn't the best player but Jenna gave it her best shot.

Maybe I just got involved with the wrong people. Guys lately have been so easy to chat with in the gym. Nothing much bugs them since they see the humor in just about everything. That explains the farting thing.

Well, I am going to run with the pups outside since it is really nice out. I'll worry about my group project later. It would be horrible to ruin this day...... 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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