Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
It's been such a nice day that I had to do things while it lasts. Rain is predicted later this week so a Hedgehoggy must do what he's gotta do.........

Today, was great to get grocery shopping out of the way. Who cares how far we ended up parking since there wasn't any cold to bother us as my mom and I headed inside. What did get my attention was 4 German Shepards in a truck that had the back window held up. These dogs were very well behaved in the fact that they did not bark or go nuts while people walked by. Unlike our dogs that have what looks like heart attacks as people walk down sidewalks. They insist on letting out a bit too much.

This morning did start out a bit weird. Once I sat down to read the Sunday paper after eating scrambled eggs, Ellie-Mae (the big female Yorkie) wanted to sit with me. Along came Jethro, the other Yorkie. Jethro soon started acting funny since Ellie threw up down the sides of the chair. It wouldn't have been as bad if she didn't make sound effects as well.

Too bad it's Sunday, since I have to go to class tomorrow. Yeah, it's just one night class but I hate it. The feeling that I should not be in it bugs the hell out of me. You try dealing with business teachers that have no interest in dealing with you as a student. Let's see how far YOU get.

Oh, I'm in shorts now! Yes, it feels so good to be wearing my orange (shut up) A&F shorts with their old splatters of paint from long ago. With so many pockets, they are great to hold change and the possiblity of ammo. Oh, I kill me!

My usual wardrobe is A&F shorts, t-shirt by whomever can fit my V-Body, and possibly sandals. Time to show off some sexy toes! I do need more shorts, though. Feel free to pitch in to my "Get Hedgie Some Sexy Shorts Fund."

I do need one thing very bad. My white shirts have too many old sweat stains from long ago and need to be replaced. All those workouts in the past have caused them to become hard in the "pits" area. Don't ya just love too much info?

Interesting guestbook signing today. Gives me an idea to make a "Fucklist" of all my fantasy women. Hmmmmmm....where should I start? 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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