Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Well, I just got back from my workout that has been cut so short thanks to my injured arm. How much longer do I have to wait?!!!? Ugh. Anyway, I filled up my gas tank half way since today is Bush's announcement and you know how gas companies use this as an excuse to raise prices. Let's see......the national average is $2.42. Here in Illinois it is at $1.61. Just watch. They will raise it soon.......

It's really warm out today! That makes it hot in my car at times but I try to put the sunroof up as much as possible to feel a breeze. I'm not much of a roll down the window and let your arms hang out the side kind of guy. It's just not me for having a "farmer's tan."

Some of the group project was downloaded last night. I just hope this will help out the group. It's the fact that I am a little perplexed as to how to do my part that is bugging me. Good thing I have Bruce Willis's Tears Of the Sun sitting in my room to watch whenever possible. Yeah, I miss the macho guys of the 80s urging me on to have a beer and barbecue some chicken. No caviar for this boy.

Oh, I forgot to mention that Old School is kind of cute. Yeah, it's that movie with Will Ferrel and the old guys wanting to make a fraternity out of a friend's house. The part that had me laughing was the old guy having a heart attack once the girls he is about to wrestle in oil go topless. The look is priceless. Boobies have a way of doing strange things to guys.

Here is something that is bothering me. Why are boobs giving morons such power? On VH1, there was a special on the guy that created Girls Gone Wild. This moron is flown all over the place like he did something really special. Hell, he gets into all the hottest places all because some girls flashed their breasts!?!? Arrghh. This bothers me in another way as well.

Picture this: Girls flash themselves and receive a t-shirt. This CEO of Girls Gone Wild earns millions of dollars on college boobies. Don't you think he should give back? I mean, colleges are having a rough time thanks to the economy while this guy makes millions. The CEO should thank all those girls with young perky boobies by giving some of the money that he made off of them. Just a thought.

Let's add to that.......

Why do women flash for Girls Gone Wild? I know if I were a girl, I would do it. The only problem though is that I would think twice eventually since all I got was a lousy t-shirt while this guy is jet setting with celebs. (He is one dorky looking guy) The problem is moronic drunken girls are feeding this guy. Somebody, stop this!

Oh, I could go on with it as well. There is something called Dormroom Fantasies. What it is is guys videotaping their ex-girlfriends fingering themselves or showering and then selling it to Girls Gone Wild. Ladies, do not let your guys videotape you. They will profit off of it.

Well, it's day two of change Mike's diet. I have to admit that I am now hungry for an apple. Let the fat melting begin! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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