Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Every leaf you rake,

Every herring you bake,

I'll be watching you...."

Opus of Bloom County 1986

I cannot fucking believe this! Wow! People are really liking me and it really makes me feel good to know. Maybe it's true that the net makes the world feel a little bit smaller.

What I really like is reading other people's diaries that have something to say. One doesn't have to talk about every little things he/she did that day. What gets me going at times is reading viewpoints and knowing why that person thinks that way. Pick a topic and just go with it. Hell, I've done music, sex, and even drugs. Whatever floats in that head of yours, just roll with it. You might be surprised at how knowledgeable you are.

Right now, I am a bit pissed at commercials made by our government on marijuanna. Yes, "ganja" or whatever the fuck you wanna call it. There is one where it talks about a teenager killing a kid because he was high while driving. Hmmmmm......has anyone ever seen a stoned driver? If anything, it's not the weed that's making them drive slow. It's just the relaxed feeling of euphoria at times.

I used to head out to the fields in which Newman would be stoned out of his mind! He'd drive and nothing would happen. For one thing, he was relaxed and happy as Grateful Dead's "Throwing Stones" played on the tape player.

The government says that weed is the problem for the accident since drivers pulled over test positive. Excuse me? It's just stupid driving. Period. Some people just can't drive. I've seen old hags run through stop signs so why don't we just pull over old ladies now?

I was talking to that ex-roadie last week and told him that they should just legalize dope. It comes from the earth and it even helps those that are in pain. In fact, it DULLS the pain of cancer or something like that. Unfortunately, since the government thinks that anything useful to the earth should be banned, they don't listen to reason. It's all based on ideals. Well, I am a fucking realist and I don't see anyone stopping me from having a beer.

Don't go thinking I inhale or anything. I've been stoned 3 fucking times and I had a blast doing it. Makes me.....chatty. Think about how many entries I'd make on Diaryland if I was stoned. Oh, that's pretty funny, huh?

The first time I really got a big hit was way up in a tree thanks to a "hooka set-up." Looking down was a whole lot different after that! Now, I just don't care about weed. The smell just doesn't agree with me anymore.

It's just sad that the government forces it's bullshit ideals on us. Are we really free when the rich have more kicks than us? Hell, Bush's daughters get arrested for cocaine and they are running around with the elite. When the police pick up a regular toker, he/she gotta hit the cell. Fuck! It's sad that the government is not interesed in what we have to say anymore.

Sorry if I sound pissed. I am kind of at this time when I see the government's campaign to stop drugs. I just say that whatever floats your boat, do it.

Oh, I just have to admit that my little heart fluttered earlier. I watched that Police music Videos DVD anf felt all gooey inside. Yes, I was and still am a fan of that 80s music. There was something about seeing Andy Summers with that cigarette in black and white to the video "Every Breath You Take." It was pure 80s nastolgia. Beautiful.

It is heaven out there today. I went out to sit on the deck with my Yorkies running around and read the new Entertainment Weekly. It's Academy Awards time and I have a few things to say later.

I have nothing else to say now but once again, thank you for finding me. I was wondering where ya'll were. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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