Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"The daylight's fading slowly but time with you is standing still...."

Another day has come and gone. All I have to show for it is a sore back and very tired eyes. It's strange how I am suddenly becoming tired more easily at night. It used to be about a week ago that I felt more wound up before bed.

Does anyone else have this problem? I drive down the main street to the gym and somewhere in the lanes there are socks and the occasional shoe. Just where does this kind of attire come from. Do people suddenly think that it is best to share their shoes and socks to those less fortunate? I mean, there just has to be a bum looking for 1 shoe and maybe 1 sock to go with it. This kind of discovery would really make his day!

Actually, this brings up my reason that odd things go on. I've heard people complain that when they do the laundry, a sock or two is missing. I usually chuckle to myself and think say, "Maybe, you should check the street." Seriously, scientists should look into this.

Once I was in the gym, I noticed how quiet it was. Hardly any of the boys were around since it is March Madness. Yeah, the local college is ranked in there and they played tonight. Don't ask me if they won since I was paying no attention to it. The only basketball I watch is with Michael Jordan or Allen Iverson. For one thing, I like my players to have some kind of animation when they play. Other than that, basketball is not something I watch.

Since the boys were gone and the gym was dominated by girls, I had the benches all to myself! Yeah, I was pretty quiet as I worked my chest and shoulders. The shoulders are a bit sore but I continue to work through this. What I really need is a massage.

What gives protesters the right to disrupt life? This pisses me off! Here we have a bunch of insane people telling everyone that war is wrong but making people late to go home by standing in the streets is okay. Times Square and San Francisco had some pretty disturbing scenes of idiots on a rampage.

It's the fact that people think it is their duty to tell everyone their opinion and that is all that matters. Here in my town, we have two sides. On one side of the main road, there are people for the war waving flags and such. The other side is mainly of people against while playing music. This is fine to me since everyone should be able to voice his/her opinion. Just respect the fact that others may not agree with you.

Finally! I got to play the rest of The Corrs DVD. Loved it, of course. It's that little Irish guy in me that can't get enough of "Breathless," "Runaway," and so on. There is something about this unique music and they write their own songs! There is some women out there that have integrity in the music world. Oh, that drummer, Caroline, haunts my dreams nightly. I know most guys just go for the prettiest people but I like the girls that are kind of quiet in the background. Caroline is not as known as Sharon, the lead singer. Not to mention the fact that it's pretty sexy to see her bang those drums!

It's kind of funny how TV is now all about updates on the war. I'm fine with that. This kind of stuff is far more important than "Are You Hot" *Hedgie sniffles* I do miss that idiotic show since it was beginning to grow on me. No Sorority Life or Fraternity Life on MTV since John Noriss is getting some airtime. I bet the kids want their moronic shows back but I prefer the reports on the war.

Well, tomorrow, I will get into sex once again. Yes, someone inspired me to do an entry on a sexual experience. Hopefully, I will be in the mood to tell it.......... 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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