Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I gotta say, "Who da muthafucker in da mirror?" sometimes.

Well, I just got back from a long hot bath after going to the gym. I have to admit that it is pretty strange to only spend 20 minutes in there, unlike my usual hour and a half. Hey, it takes a lot to look good at times. Don't worry. I'm not full of myself.

Of course, a long hot bath means Hedgehoggy is hair-free! Sing it with me now......HAIR-FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Don't you just love the feeling of wind across a place that normally has some kind of hair. Pubes? Somewhat gone. Ass hair? Gone!!! Facial hair? Gone, though I do usually let that slide at times. Whatever. The point is it just feels so good to be so clean.

What do you see when you look in the mirror? At times, I like my body. It's got really broad shoulders thanks to all that work in the gym. My tummy is so thin compared to my humongous chest (I hate how big it is) and my back is wide from heavy lifting.

Then there are the days I just hate what I see. For some reason, I just pick out all the "problem areas" like little tiny areas of fat. Why do we do this? I don't care if my friends work out but I feel like a failure at times if I miss mine. Hell, I feel like I shouldn't show up. Let's just say I have body issues.

The really nice thing is that I have not had my eating disorder come back to haunt me for a long time. The last time I had issues was probably November so that's good to know. Once you get an eating disorder, it will never go away. Trust me. I've learned.

It's nice out there today and I am wearing my extra baggy shorts. Yeah, I look kind of like a sk8er with these things. Wanna try to fit a herd of elephants in them? You probably can! While I was in the gym, I noticed a girl with baggy shorts similar to mine. We talked for a short bit til she recommended a tattoo artist in a town nearby. I'll look into him.

Ever since I found that bond info, I have felt so free for once. All I have left is to value them and then study for the test in 2 weeks. It's gonna be realy tough but I *think* I can pull it off. Just somebody for the love of spirituality wish me luck! Please. Pretty please?

It's strange to me that people are watching this war coverage with such ferocity. In my opinion, it just isn't healthy to sit there and see this for so many hours. We have lives to lead. Watching is fine but we really need to remember our own sanity as well.

Well, right now, I have to eat a couple apples and toss the cores out to my gang of squirrels that have threatened to burn my house down if I don't keep giving them what they want. Bloody bastards held mom up last night demanding a fix of apple juice! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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