Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
There is one main reason I hate driving down backroads ways. All the dead animals that I feel sorry for is just so hard to take. Today, I saw a dead skunk as I drove to and from school and my heart had this ache, a real hard ache in it. I love doggies, kitties, and all kinds of animals, especially skunks.

I popped in the DVD of Sex and Lucia to see the theatrical trailer. Wow! I gotta admit this foreign movie looks pretty spicy. There is one scene that really stands out in the ad, female masturbation.

Yes, all guys love to see girls touch themselves. It's like this sacred art of love that we would love to watch. For women that I know, it's very private and many do it out of loneliness as opposed to just an orgasm. Well, it's going to be interesting seeing a very beautiful and daring actress masturbate on camera as well as show all of herself. Can The Hedgehoggy contain himself?

This is gonna be weird but I have never had a lover touch herself in front of me. Ever. Kristan would not let me watch. Coming from a woman that does everything in sex that she wants, it was odd to me. I would have loved to have seen this show. Again, most girls that I know do it very privately.

When I was living on campus and talked to a lot of my female friends, many told me of their masturbation habits. It felt so cool to know that they trusted me in knowing. Hell, when M and her roommates and I were playing a game of "Dare," they told me of what they do. The roommate of the roommate did not want to know but my eyes widened as I listened. It's so sexy to hear girls talk so openly about sex.

Well, that's enough of that. It rained as I came home so my car got a good washy-washy. The prof was nice to talk to and I ended up chatting for a bit. What do you expect? I'm a chatty and really nice person to meet! Seriously. I'm the type you bring home to mom and talk salty with on the pier. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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