Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Oh, I do declare that there is nothing like waking up in a pleasant mood in the morning, popping in my The Police DVD of music videos, and dancing around the room to the song, "Don't Stand So Close To Me." Yes, the Hedgehoggy dances in weird tribal movements when he is happy. He'd do it nude for a lover but alas......he has no lover.

My mom and I are addicted to Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. We love that show and will bicker back and forth as to what the correct answer is. Most of the time, I end up getting all the way up to between $200,000 and $164,000. The next thing I know, I am using Mom as my lifeline thanks to anything about cooking. I suck at that part. Mom agrees.

It's the same thing every weekday night. My mom and I would have the TV running and yelling at each other as Who playing. I am so glad Regis is gone cuz Merideth is HOT! I've wanted her since I saw her on The View. There is something so sexually honest about this woman that admits to waking her husband up with oral sex (that's what she said once) or talking so intimately about life. Of course, she is cute to boot!

One of my pups is walking around the house with a "tattoo." What is is a stamp that my dad pressed onto her belly. Bonnie now walks around the house acting like a badass and beating the shit out of her boyfriend, Clyde. She's proud of her "smiley face" tattoo.

Actually, today is double dose of music day! I was driving home after picking up the DVD, Sex and Lucia and behold.......

"I'm only happy when it only comfort is the night gone black."

Yessirree! Garbage's song "Only Happy When It Rains played and I was in such a great mood that I didn't care if people thought I was insane by singing along as I drove. Fuck 'em! Nothing beats Shirley Manson and Butch with such amazing lyrics.

It's also kind of funny that Garbage's song played. There is definite rain on the way here. That means that I might be driving for an hour in the rain when I head to campus. Oh, well. Everything is pretty much peachy here so I might as well enjoy a good car wash as I start making "the devil sign" (makes "devil sign") to music as I drive.

Who knows what time I will be back this afternoon. I hope by 3pm but I will be parking near Amanda's apartment so she will be pissed if she sees my car and I didn't stop by. That means I have to climb the balcony as all romeos do.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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