Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
It was really weird seeing MTV's True Life tonight. I know. They moved "I'm Breaking Up" to next week but what a show for me! Okay, I am from Illinois and I know the correct pronunciation of my state. People do say "Ill-In-Oyz" and we laugh at them all the time. Our idea of a traffic jam is being stuck behind farm equipment.

The reason I state what state I live in is because MTV was at Southern Illinois University, the place my mom and high school coach both went to. It's weird seeing a picture of my mom with my coach drinking but that's what I came across one time. Nice guy, though. Yes, my mom was dating my dad at the time when he was in the Air Force. Do you really want to hear all this? No? I thought so.

MTV was at the Southern Illinois University to do a segment on a basketball team (Salukis) and I could recognize a lot of the area since I've visited it many times. It's down in a kind of small town called Carbondale. There's a strip along the center and it's about an hour from St. Louis, a real hell-hole in my opinion. It was nice to see MTV there rather than at those big name schools like Duke.

You know what I need? I need a stalker. I need to feel the need to look around me as I walk out of my house. I want my heart to beat a little faster since since I don't know if this will be my last time alive or so. It's funny how I feel the need to have something happen to me since I sometimes thrive on adrenaline.

The workout was nice tonight. It's Thursday so I did shoulders and legs. I did all this til I was fucking exhausted. It's getting perfectly clear that my shoulders are getting much stronger.

An interesting thing happened in the gym. Someone came up to talk to me! Now, this may be weird to some people but it happened at the right time since it made the rest of my night better. You see, when I go into the gym, I am pretty much very serious and have a look on my face that means business. A girl to my left came up to ask me a few questions since we were both working on the same bodypart (shoulders).

I've always told myself to not let the little things get me down but to let the good things be noticed. Anyway, I chatted for a short bit with the girl. No, she was not flirting or anything. It was a nice little talk.

We have storms coming all weekend! I love it! Wanna know why? Of course you do! I sleep so well during storms that I almost wish they happened every late night. Well, tonight's my night so I must head on into that cold any stalkers for tomorrow?

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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