Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Do you wanna know what we got today? Here in Illinois, we got snow for a short while. What the fuck!?! It's close to April already and I am beginning to wonder if something is up. Since when does snow happen at this time of year? I know it does in Canada and other northern places but here? Anyway, it's all gone now since it became warm enough to melt soon after.

Here I was studying while MTV's pretty lame Spring Break episode shit came on. I only like Undercover for how dumb people are as well as to see how trashy others can be. There is no shame or something. It's funny how MTV tells viewers to be careful and all that but we next see spring breakers with no clue. I don't care how cute she is. If I barely know her, I sure as hell wouldn't eat her out on the first date. Even a Hedgehoggy has his standards.

There was a show called Burned that got me laughing so hard. It was about 3 girls that got 3 guys to hit on them and then have their lame pick-up lines broadcast to other people on TV. At first I thought it was mean but when I saw the guys's lame shit, I had to sit back and watch. These idiots were so bad and one had the nerve to tell his buddy that she was "practically on his dick." Oh, I've heard worse but that will do for now.

Why do we as sexes need pick-up lines? Yes, girls use them, too. I know since I've had my run at them. Why can't a guy just go up to a girl and say, "Hi, my name is *enter name here?*" It's weird how people have to hear: "Your pants are so shiny! I can see myself in them." or "Does the carpet match the drapes?" If you don't understand that last one, you should take a long hard look at yourself before you go to a bar.

I've seen some weird shit before with Jen (aka "Ghetto Booty). She was hit on all the time, even when she was dancing with me or Blondie. Guys would just grab her ass as she walked by. Black guys loved her since she had this big ass. It was funny how Jen took this all in stride.

One time, Jen was just handed a phone number. She gave a false one back. I hope that guy got the message since he was pretty persistant that night.

I don't know. It's pretty funny how both sexes make fools of themselves in bars. I just like to lean back with a cold beer and dance the night away on occasion. We'll see what happens this coming weekend since I know I will be in the bars again! Oh, the places I'll go! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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