Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Ahhhh.....what's that sound? It's me feeling a bit better in some ways. Less tired is a better description. Yeah, I am just about up to where I was prior to leaving this weekend. If someone would tell Mother Nature to get rid of the cold outside my house, things would be even better! I WANNA SLEEP NAKED!!!!!!

So, here I am wondering aloud about this past weekend's activities that were pretty good. It made me realize more and more that I the independent type. I really don't need a huge amount of people around me to make myself feel good. No entourage or people that tell me how cool I am. Just me. Little ol' me with the arms or muscles and thick chest.

It sometimes makes me feel weird that I am independent. Where other people go out to seek conversations with strangers, I would rather read at times. I love talking to people but most of the people in this town are snobbish. The occasional amazing conversation does pop up. I've just been waiting for one for so long.

One thing I noticed at the weekend's get together is that people talk about the most moronic shit. It's the same old conversations from each visit. Nobody discussed the war or any issues in the world today. Nothing for a debate or topic change. It seems like no one cares what is going on in the world today. It's weird because I have been reading a newspaper since I was 8. Yes, 8! I started with the funnies and ended up in editorials, folks!

Oh, but we are a funny bunch. I loved how these guys can take a song like Vanilla Ice's "Ice Ice Baby" and put it to an accoustic guitar. It was really good and I would love to sing my own version of Michael Jackson's "Beat It" while someone played. "Just how funky is your fight?" Who knows what other songs would go with it.......

I love this 80s thing on VH1. They brought up the old debate of which is better: Debbie Gibson or Tiffany? I was very much in love with Debbie, BIG TIME! I loved the whole fucking album in which "Lost In Your Eyes" and "Only In My Dreams" played. I know I am weird but I also liked the fact that Debbie wrote her own songs. That is something lacking with other singers out there.

There was something about being alive at a different time. MTV actually showed videos a long time ago. Now, it's this completely shit show called TRL. I cannot stand it at all! It just shows you how kids just sit there like zombies where morons show them the most idiotic videos every made. There are exceptions like Christina "please, Mike, eat me" Aguilera.

I noticed that the occasional music videos are being put out on DVD. I've got Smashing Pumpkins (the best so far) and George Michael (don't laugh but I LOVE "Father Figure" so much). Soon Motley Crue's uncensored videos will come out and I will get it. What I am waiting for is Pink Floyd's DVD (gotta play "Learing To Fly" and "On the Turning Away") and Garbage ("Only Happy When It Rains" is sexy personified, baby!).

It's funny how I am talking about videos since Jello's new one debuted tonight. Oh, I hate her for using the movie, Flashdance, as her inspiration. Please! Jello is only known for her big ass and constant pleas of how "real" she is. Yeah, spending $250,000 a weekend with Ben is pretty much a good example.

A tip for those underage and about to get into bars: don't wear nice shoes. I almost slipped in beer that someone spilled on the ground. My shoes reek of whatever was on the floor. It doesn't matter if it's the dance floor or barfloor, people toss their bottles wherever and the floor is a mess. A fucking mess everywhere. Dress nice but don't wear your best shoes. I just wear my old white Air Jordans (cool looking, though). I have no idea why women wear high heels in bars. No idea.

Speaking of bars, I am going to take back a DVD called Barroom: Babes and Brawls. It was pretty weird seeing all of these brawls caught on tape. Even girls join in! Men, watch your back because his girlfriend might smack you with a beer bottle or tear your eyelids out. One girl wearing a short skirt got down on top of this other girl while her ass was in the air. Yep! She was wearing a thong and the guys just couldn't get enough of seeing her twat. I tell ya! It's gotta be something in the air that night.......

One of the interesting brawls was where a guy took off his shoes and threw them at this guy. Strategic move? I'd keep my fucking shoes on. That's kind of a "girly move." "Excuse me while I go take off my pumps so I can stomp your ass with my big toe."

I wish it would warm up here. It really feels like winter at this time. I got new camouflage shorts that need to be worn and not dressed like I'm living up north. Dammit! I wanna sleep naked!!! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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