Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I just wonder what is in the minds of those people that hated the fact that the U.S. and British troops went into Iraq, decimated the Iraqi Regime, and now the Iraqi citizens are cheering. Makes you wonder why an area that people are acting extremely happy for having an evil dictator gone are for Saddam but there are protestors against the war saying Iraqi people don't want us there. No one in Iraq was ever really for Saddam. He: tortured children, killed anyone he thought would be his downfall, drilled into eye-sockets of children, dipped people in chemical baths....oh, I could go on. Wake up! No one likes war but this was fucking necessary to rid the world of this guy. Remember Stalin, Hitler, and so on?

Oh, well. Everyone has an opinion on this war that is close to being over. Apparently, there are a few of Saddam's Regime still alive. It's like the ants on my counter. Once you kill one, there are a dozen more of those little fuckers here and there. Since an ant can lift 16 times its own weight, I am thinking of taking karate to take back MY FUCKING HOUSE FROM THESE BASTARDS!!!! Hedgehoggy does not get kicked out of his house by bugs! Goonies never say die!

Now that I have gotten that out of my system.........

I would like to make a new law for the United States of America. I, Hedgehoggy, and friend to women everywhere would like to allow women to go topless whenever and wherever they please. Yes, it is time for women to be free of those unnecessary contraption called "bras." Breasts should be free to bounce around and in no way should girls have annoying tan lines. Boobs are not obscene.

To add to this law, any man with "man breasts (big sagging drops of fat)" will not be allowed to roam outside on their lawns. They may not even do so in the garages as well unless the door is closed. It is time to end the world of "man hooters" to free us from the gawdawful sights of chest muscles stretched to the max.

You see what I am saying? I just think it's funny how men can go walking around topless but women are told to cover up because of something called "obscenity." I have seen so many guys with what look like breasts that I wonder why they even take off their shirts. The world will never know.......and it will be summer soon! Arrgghhh!

On a weird note: I am missing 2 sweatshirts. I am not sure if I have fairies living in my house that go into my closet. It could be the ants but they normally stay in the kitchen. The reason I am now thinking about locking my closet is because I don't like the possibility of my Calvins being taken as well. No one gets to sniff my undies!

Can you imagine that? I mean, guys are known for sniffing ladies' panties but girls sniffing guys' "ball-huggers" or whatever they wear is odd. I have yet to hear of anything like this happening. Do you really think there is an aroma on balls?

Let's clean up this entry now......

On Friday, the new Harry Potter movie debuts on DVD! *Hedgehoggy screams* Yes, I love the Harry Potter series and have read all the books. The first one took me 2 days and the rest took a day each. Each story reminds me of life in my dorm in some ways. I'll get into that later.

Tomorrow, I think I will be going to Wal-Mart (Nascar and tobacco lovin place) to get my pics developed. Gonna be expensive since I am doing triples. People wanna see me. Well, they are gonna see my goofy mug as well as the friends I have from college. Just how drunk was I?

Well, this is Hedgehoggy signing off and if you find any Calvins out there, just send 'em back to me but don't go prancing around in them. For the love of spirituality, somebody find my sweatshirts, the red and grey ones. Please. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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