Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
It is just getting frighteningly weird how many people are finding my diary under "Fear Of Midgets." I only wrote one short entry on how I get a little freaky around them since I don't know if I should get on my knees to shake their hands or what. Luckily, I have not had that problem yet.

However, I do have a problem with my pups. They are eating shit.....again! It is getting highly annoying that I have to watch them when they go outside since tend to get the munchies for poop all day. Is this how we are so different than animals? Very few people eat shit but my pups love it. They know it is wrong but they just can't stop. So, what we are *trying* to do (I hence that word since we forget) is give them pills that make their poop "taste" bad. My question is how do they know it "tastes" bad?

Clyde, the sweetest male pup ever, looks over at Bonnie (she's bossy) and says, "Girl, your poop is da bomb!" You will see me cringing since I have to pick them up and carry them inside after I swat their little asses. Just gotta remember to put those damn pills in today.....

*I know. I talk about anything and everything in my diary*

Okay, I am in a little bit of a pickle (don't you just love that line?) in which money is low. Yes, I have only enough to get my haircut on Monday and pay my car insurance. Fuck! No more playtime for me. I have bills to pay, folks. Suddenly selling pints of blood is looking pretty good......

Since money is low, I will need to find options of sending out my pics and things I promised to everyone. Did you know stamps are getting expensive? Well, I do but wonder why getting mail is so much slower.

Once I finished working on the storage room, I got weak. Working in an area of dust makes my allergies come out. I get so sleepy that you might just find me napping in a corner on the floor somewhere. Just know that I am not stoned or anything. You do not need to call the cops. Just let the little Hedgehoggy alone in the corner.

So, how was working on the storage room? The T.P. Fairy can now get in more easily. The DVD cases were moved so it is easier to walk here and there. I even took out my old weight set for later use. Yeah, I might do a little bit of poundage this weekend. It's almost impossible to get me in the gym on weekends since I do enough on the weekdays (M-Th). Plus, my right arm is still healing.

After a long hot bath (yes, I was busy all day in this house), I looked at myself in the mirror. Surpisingly, I liked what I saw. My shoulders are getting bigger (VERY hard) and the chest is getting back to being more toned instead of being overdone. The issue I have with myself is that I wear oversized long shirts to hide my arms. One of the reasons is that I may be fond of them but I am also modest (no, it is true) as well as the fact that I haven't worked on biceps in a while. Having body dilemmas sucks.

Mr. Religious called last night. I'm supposed to call him back but don't have much interest in doing so. There is only so much of......"Jesus is the reason..." that I can take. Wanna know something weird? Mr. Religious invited me to Florida to stay for the week with him and his parents 2 weeks ago. Do you know how difficult that would have been!?! I would end up on the nightly news waving a spatula after wacking Mr. Religious with it shouting, "No more! Jesus is NOT my homeboy!"

So, the rest of the time has been spent watching a small portion of women's gymnastics (can you say, "camel-toe") and news on the war. I hate how the press is asking these generals when the war will end. What morons! It ends when it ends. We want our troops to be careful and to make Iraq secure (at least as secure as possible). I hate how reporters are pushy and tell everything going on in the war. There was no element of surprise at all.

There is an image forever embedded in my mind now. A 6 year old girl's mother was killed in a fire-fight. This American soldier held her to comfort her. I would have definitely done the same thing. As much as I am for the war, it still breaks me down to see the horrible effects of it all.

So, to all of you that have homework to do, I have some as well. All of those with money issues, I have some as well. to all of those angry with friends, I'm not angry at them, I just have issues with Mr. Religious. To all of those with people that will not own up to mistakes, I have my mom whom will NEVER ever admit to being wrong.

I have a small request. There are people reading my diary that I would love to read as well. If you like my diary, just tell me who you are. I'll read yours as well. Don't be shy. C'mon! Let me into your worlds as well. You know who you are! Don't make me fart in your general direction and get all snooty! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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