Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Another day has come to an end.....

What a day of annoying errands (Wal-Mart sucks!) and trying to figure out what to do with my disappearing time on my hands. It's strange to be free of having to study but that will end soon since I have 1 more test coming up and then a final. I might as well enjoy what time I have to myself for now.

Tomorrow will be busy as well. I have that damn group project to finish. After that, I have to clean my closet up. The shelves collapsed again so a lot of my clothes went flying here and there. Oh, but my very expensive Playboy collection is still in mint condition thanks to being safely stored. One day, I will get a pretty penny for selling it. Don't be surprised if I cry once I part with it. Playboy has been so good to me.....

One of the major goals tomorrow is to clean out the storage room. That's the room next to mine in this big house of small rooms (I hate this house). My 600 DVD cases need to be in better placement since Mom can't get no damn toilet paper! Those were her words mind you. Yes, we store t.p. paper in there. We are a weird fun loving folk, okay? When you are outta "squares," you just gotta run down the hall and get some. Just don't leave any droppings on the rug (blame it on the dogs).

Some of you might know my deep fascination with werewolves. It's simple: they scare the shit out of me! I love anything that really scares me so werewolves are high on my list of creature features. Guess why I am mentioning this. It's because on Tuesday, there will be the DVD debut of Darkwolf-werewolf against humans in a city. Me thinks it sounds super good since you have a sexy werewolf fighting for her life. High-five da Hedgehoggy!

Soon, there will be many werewolf movies. Underworld starring Kate Beckinsdale will be out along with Cursed (Wes Craven!) and last but not least......Ginger Snaps. Yes, I am obsessed with the movie Ginger Snaps since I love it's unique style. Use the metaphor that a girl's period is a "curse" for werewolves is....different.

It's funny. I was reading a list of movies for "curse," another movie I was looking for info about. Many reviews by women think of their periods as curses. I can kind of understand since I sure as hell don't want a string hanging down between my legs or having to change pads every 5 hours. To tell you the truth, I would faint. Yes, I, the Hedgehoggy, have a problem with bleeding. Give me cuts or scratches but not between my legs. It would take me long time of training before I would be ready to face the world as a female.

Remember when I sat on that sharp object outside not too long ago? Well, I have to admit that I did not like "spotting" in my Calvins. How the hell would I handle life as a female!?!! Sure, it would be fun flashing boys and causing car crashes but even that would lose it's fun eventually.

Let's get off that topic and save it for another time.........

One of my video games is giving me problems since I cannot figure out how to swing my whip. The game is called Super Castlevania and it's okay, not as good as the one on Nintendo. It will do but I looooove Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the Super Nintendo! Having a hard time beating Slash but what else is new? I'll just need to adjust my ninja skills.

Are you getting the idea that I like to keep busy all day? Of course you are! That's me, a regular do as much as I can kind of guy. Sometimes, I wish I was a real man in just sitting around watching sports with a beer and a remote in both hands. You see, I just can't do that. Nosirree. As my dad hates, I have too many feminine characteristics for a guy with muscles.

Yes, I like projects, at least the personal ones. Not too long ago, I went through pics to figure out which to send. Just me and a bunch of pictures spread out on my bed. You do not see guys doing this......ever. I am weird.

Well, I am off to dream of werewolves and hopefully I will get to be one and do the chasing. If so, I almost always end up nude in a zoo. Any possible reasons? Let's hope I get to run crazy through Wal-Mart and eat the photo shop lady! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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