Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Finally! My Hotmail account had a new email from someone that I have not heard from in a long time. Boys just don't email. I know it's sad but this one was one that made me extremely surprised.......

As I mentioned in the past, Mark has gotten Bald-O's sis pregnant. It was a shock to me since Crystal was not even the type to have sex. At least, that was the impression I got from her when I went to visit Bald-O. Trust me. I know enough about Mark's sex life that I don't need to know any more. He was known to fart on his last girlfriend's hand.

What has me overjoyed is that I have been asked to be an usher at Mark and Crystal's wedding on May 31st! Whoo! I've never been usher before so this will be a kick. Oh, Bald-O is still not happy about Crystal being pregnant. Gee, I wonder why.....

So, The Hedgehoggy will be wearing a tux. Gawd, it's been so long since I've worn one. That must have been back in junior year of high school when I went to the prom with Beth. (skipped senior year since Newman couldn't find a date) I remember being measured for my tux at a 29 inch waist. Yeah, I had and still have a very small tummy or something thanks to a great diet.

That prom was a story all it's own. When they gave me my tux, I found it tight so I couldn't really dance much. It was hard to move since I felt like I was going to split the damn thing. Beth was laughing pretty hard at times. The foreign guy (every high school has a guy from France),whom was dancing like John Travolta, didn't seem to share my problem.

What will be funny is that it will be a lot of us guys at the wedding! Since I've had a hard time trusting girls as a result of my past bad experiences this will be a great event. Who do we have? We've got Bald-O, Rob (Bald-O's bro), and some of the other guys that shave their heads. Yeah, it's a regular KKK meeting down south. Just when I wondered if my wall of pics couldn't get any bigger, along comes a big event to add more from.

Speaking of hair, I have gotten my haircut and love it. Getting up in the morning is no problem. Just pee, wash face, brush teeth, and try to smile. My hair is definitely "just got out of bed." Who wants to spend so much time in the bathroom getting ready?

The person that does my hair, Sherry, looked at my forearms. She commented on the fact that there are so many freckles thanks to me being in the sun in the past or something. Yeah, it's also funny how I never even noticed much. Lucky for me they aren't on my face.

Mr. Religious asked me yesterday if I've been lifting more. Oh, even though he gets me mad, MR knows the way to my heart is by making good comments on my body. *snickers* No, I've just been doing 2 days a week of lifting thanks to a damaged arm but I sure to fit my Cypress Hill concert t-shirt well, don't I?

I've been given a name for my balls!!! 2Pak is pretty good. Why the fuck didn't I think of this!?! So far, that's the only name been given. If anyone can think of something better just let me know. Thanks but when are you gonna get back to me, Miss Edith? My Hotmail has porn but no you.

Well, I am outta here for now. The house is so clean that I gotta wear shades..... 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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