Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
This is scary to me. I just found out that my mom will retire from 3rd grade teaching after the next school year. The reason it is scary is that I don't even know how I will deal with it. The good thing is that I know how much the school system has caused a lot of anger in her so this will be a much deserved rest for her.

Okay, first of all, I would like to state that I am NOT politically correct and I only tell what I see, not what I want you to hear. I have always been very honest and vocal about things fair and unfair so I hope what I state is understandable.

In my hometown, we have a new superintendent of the schools that is a complete fucking asshole. This guy is paid over $200,000 to save the system but it is obviously going nowhere fast. The school board kisses his ugly big ass. The teachers are paid so little that it took years for them to get their contract renewed since the state said they didn't have any money (oh, but asshole director gets to be overpaid).

What our superintendent is doing is dividing blacks and whites. There was a study done that showed how blacks are doing so poorly in our schools. What it also showed was how many were suspended or expelled for the bullshit they caused. Nowhere does it show how there is a lack of parents willing to put the actual blame on themselves. It's always the teachers faults.

Yes, that's right. We have a huge amount of black parents telling teachers that the reason their sons/daughters are failing is because of the teachers. WHAT!?! This would most likely be a very small percentage because I have known a lot of these teachers and have spent time seeing how well they teach. Their fucking kids just won't do any of the work!

It's true. In our town, blacks live in the north and a dominant portion of whites live in the south. Because of a moronic bussing system, kids are shipped wherever. Well, what they don't tell you is that many of the black kids will not do any homework no matter what. It is a complete waste of my mom's time to deal with so much unruly behavior. To be fair, there is a small percentage of whites that are a pain in the ass as well (I can name one right now) that cause havoc.

In my mom's school, there were black kids that held up the school bus driver (3rd grade), threw chairs at the kindergarten teacher, hacked up baby rabbits, looked up teachers' dresses, threatened female classmates, and so on. Once again, there was a very small amount of white kids doing this. Very small.

The issue is black parents that get vocal at school meetings to bullshit about their kids' suspensions and exulsions. What they do not do is take into account that maybe their little so called "angels" are the spawn of some kind of evil being. Sorry, Satan and I are good friends on this one and even he doesn't want 'em!

As a result of all this, the school board has wasted tax dollars to look into why black kids from K-high school are suspended more often than white kids. It's easy! They are so fucked up and don't want to participate. Why should my mom or any other teacher waste time with such shitheads!?! Tell me why.

To be fair, I did notice something in high school once I was finished with private Catholic school. When white teens harassed the teacher, they were more likely to stay in the room. If anyone that was black did so, they would be sent immediately to the principal's office. Interesting to see.

Our school system here in town is so fucked! The teachers take so much blame here that we are having a hard time finding people to teach. There are even questions when the answers are so fucking obvious. When are we finished with this political correctness!?! If your kid is a fuckup, send him/her away from school.

It may sound odd but I like to learn. I had a hard time in a few of my classes in high school thanks to dipshits harassing the teacher. I may have slept through my history class but I loved my English class with one of my favorite teachers of all time (people warned me of how tough he was but we are friends to this day) in which he introduced me to The Taming Of the Shrew, Lord Of the Flies, and so on. I didn't even use Cliff Notes since I fell into these books with such ease.

To sum it all up, I just wish people would accept that kids are not always "angels" and that parents really need to be in their kids lives. If that kid is suspended, find out the real reason. Kids lie.

Wow! I've been wanting to let that out for some time now. There is so much more to go on that would make this entry much too long but I just wanted to tell the basics here. Is it any wonder why people don't want to teach in this town? 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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