Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Your kisses are as wicked as an F-16

And you fuck like a volcano

and you're everything to me."

Another day has pretty much come to an end. You can tell since the trash cans are overloaded with kleenex. It's disgusting! Right now, I am also bleeding out of my nose thanks to all that sneezing. Either that or I have a major cocaine problem that I am not aware of.

In some areas, the day wasn't bad. I found out that I do have the channel that carries Buffy the Vampire Slayer since they moved it without telling me. It was pure luck that I stumbled across Faith as she landed in Sunnydale! Whoo!

The episode of BTVS was so good. I'm back in slayer viewing mode again since the story is really picking up. Of course, Faith has something to do with that. Her speech had me amused since the "horny cheerleader" part got me. Can you imagine Faith in a cheerleading outfit? Oh, Bring It On brings back unchaste thoughts as well as humor. Still, Missy is the poo so get a big whiff.

It's funny how much I love Faith. I know it's not the bad girl type of character she plays but the independence of it all. I've pretty much been a rogue in some ways so I admire that. Do your own thing. "Sheep" constantly annoy me with how they talk too similar. Is it any wonder why I'm not a fan of sororities and fraternities?

Another thing that has gotten on my mind as to why I love Faith is how less uptight she is compared to Buffy. Live life! Don't let things bring you down so much that you forget to explore. Go diving, dance, anything, and do it well. Fuck it all! Let work stay in it's place. Don't become like my parents, just stay home and work on things. Ugh.

When I got home today from the gym, I was putting my shoes away. For some odd reason, I noticed a shoebox underneath all my backup gym clothes. My curiousity got to me of course. So, I looked inside.....

What I found made me wish I had taken more pictures of my life. Here I was in McDonalds around the age of 7 or 8 with kids I still remember. Me, looking a bit lost since it was my little brother's birthday party. There was Chet, Jennifer, Matt, and so on. What the fuck happened to me!?! My first thought was me wondering why I let my mom dress me. I've got much better taste.

I also found a picture of me on my first bike that took me so long to learn how to ride. Would you believe that I taught myself? Shocking how many pine trees I fell into on my way. There were also "sticker bushes" that made me pull out thorns in my cute little ass.

One of the most interesting pics was from Florida. My family and I went to Pensacola a long time ago to visit my mom's college friends. There in the pile of pics was one of me with chicken-pox. Yeah, I got that in Florida on vacation and it drove me mad! No DisneyWorld as a result. Just pics of me in my Underoos (Shazaam was the style, baby!) with all these pink bumps. I really needed to work out is what I'm hearing from the little man inside.

In news for Illinois, it may soon be a crime to stop a woman from getting an abortion. Lawmakers are trying to make it a misdemeanor for anyone getting in the way of a woman going to an abortion clinic. Hooray! I'm for this law since I am sick of abortion protestors. Who are they to decide for others? Oh, this is a touchy subject that I might stick my foot into someday. It feels weird that I know so much about women's issues.

Why are men's issues so small? I rarely hear anything about issues relating to us guys. The only one that comes to mind is obesity and Viagra. Both go hand in hand don't you think? Fat guys just can't get it up anyway. They tend to forget they even have dicks since they can't even find their feet.

I gotta tell ya that this Matrix sequel is really making me itchy to see it. Just when I thought I'd seen it all with camera tricks, they do one of the most amazing things ever! There will be a huge fight between Neo and Agent Smiths, hundreds of them! Wow! George Lucas should take a look at this since his Star Wars flicks sure have sucked! The Matrix lives on with amazing stories, camera fun, and a complexity not able to be copied easily. Would you believe that it took someone to drag me to see The Matrix when it first came out?

One movie that I came across tonight is one I have seen way too many times, Jaws. It is THE ultimate guy flick that I can never grow tired of. How many times have I found myself saying, "You're gonna need a bigger boat," huh? Too many. I know almost all the lines by heart.

The reason Jaws has a special place in my heart, besides the fact that I LOVE sharks, is that I saw it at such a young age that it traumatized me. Yes, it was really bad. My mom had to hold me since the scene in which Jaws takes the boat down gave me the most awful nightmares and I still remember being held. How's that for a memory?

I guess you can say that today has been a trip down memory lanes for me. It's good to remember where you were and where you are going. Sometimes, it's good to picture it in your mind but I wish I had taken more pictures to keep in my hand. Boys do like that stuff......I think.

Okay, I know that I have given a taste but potential topics abound. I don't know how but I will someday talk about what I learned in female masturbation and abortion, at least my feelings. Who knows what kind of angry emails I'll get. Frankly, I don't give a fuck! As Faith would say, "I'm 5 by 5." Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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