Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
As I sit here, my dad is out pounding my old wood shelves I used to put my humongous collection of DVDs and CDs in. FYI, the last count was 647 DVDs and 678 CDs. Geez! I've slowed down since financially I am pretty fucked. My financial pinch will be dealt with as soon as possible.

Allow me to introduce you to my animals: Ellie-Mae, Jethro, Bonnie, and Clyde. As you know by now, they are all Yorkshire Terriers. Unfortunately, I am not a big fan of the breed since I am a diehard fan of Siberian Huskys. Their blue eyes speak to me in almost the same way my blue eyes tell the truth.

My dogs are the noisiest things around. Each day, they will go outside to tell the neighbors all the bullshit that goes on in this house. "They don't feed me enough!" "Fuck you, Wilma (the neighbor's dog)." or "Get your Ya-Yas out!" In truth, who knows what they have to say.

Each day I wake up to all my dogs barking at something. This makes it interesting in which people have to speak up in the house as well. Most of the time, the barking is the result of seeing a person walk by on the sidewalk or other dogs. People usually shake their heads when they walk by this house. I don't blame them one bit.

One of my dogs, Ellie-Mae loves fire trucks. To her, it's a priviledge to live near a fire station. Ellie-Mae will howl with the sirens as the fire trucks pass. It's cute to watch but my ears take quite a beating! As soon, as a siren starts, my family stops what it is doing to let Ellie-Mae howl til she can no more.

One other talent, Ellie-Mae has is that she also like snow plows. When someone driving one goes by, she will sit until it is gone. There is no way you can get Ellie-Mae to come in. I think it is her dream to ride shotgun with someone driving a fire truck or snow plow man. I hear Ellie-Mae thinks they are pretty hot! She always liked the really masculine guys out there.

It's funny the rivalries that are in this house thanks to Yorkies and their disagreements. Ellie-Mae hates Bonnie and vice versa. Jethro hates Clyde and vice versa. No one gets along completely at times. Fights between Yorkies are amazingly violent. Ears get pulled and snouts get snapped. To break one up, I got my "little finger" chomped on pretty good.

Oh, but I love my dogs! When I went through the old pictures last night, I forgot to mention that within them was a few of our first Yorkshire Terriers. It was so cute to see them in a picnic basket out in the grass. My grandma was in them as well. The problem is that I have no idea where this was. All I know is that Napolean and Heidi were in this basket. Yeah, we name our dogs in interesting ways, huh?

So, today? It's threatening rain here in Illinois. I'm fine with that since I sleep better when it storms. Nothing like seeing lightning crashes and hearing thunderstorms in my world.

Why is it that video games really cause me a way to escape? Here I was playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles once again late at night and having a blast! Very, very close to beating it! I had that damn Shredder down to one lifeline left but I was killed. Damn him! I will not let this go.

*As I type this entry, Ellie-Mae and Jethro are laying on top of the couch watching the backyard*

Well, I need a long hot bath since I feel like complete shit as a result of allergies. Waking up, I feel all my bones creaking. It's like a constant cold but a minor one at least. The bones can always be replaced. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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