Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Is anyone else seriously worried about the world if Bush wins reelection? I am. It was funny in Bush's speech how he told the audience that the economy will be back on track. What he did not say is how or what he was going to do. It's obvious from Bush's vague and uninteresting speeches that he has no clue on what to do. Funny how as a result of him, 65,000 people lost their jobs in St. Louis.

Yes, I will be in St. Louis come May 16th thanks to a bachelor party that Mark says, "We will be drunk off our asses and you better be ready!" Alright. My first Major League baseball game and I can't even see it!!! Can't wait. Beer goggles....check. Insanity......check. Clothes......nothing but a lamp shade.

So, next weekend, there will most likely be no entries from me. I will be down south (would you like to know where?) to visit Mark and Bald-O. I also can't wait to see the pregnant Crystal. I forget how many months she is. That's scary to me! Mark is in way over his head on this.

So, marriage? I'm for it but like me in life, I am calculating. I want to be sure that she is the one. In no way will I marry for sex, money, or any other selfish need. Love. It's that simple. I want to be in love again and I truly do believe in it. I know the flame tends to die down but it will always still be there.

As long as the flame is there, the passion and sex will be there. Yes, my life will be work, come home for dinner, go workout, and then make mad passionate love to my wife. Let's just say I like to keep things simple. It's like the character from The Transporter (now out on DVD!) said, "I like things neat because there are less problems."

I find myself looking at the paper and seeing people engaged or married. Some I see nothing between the two. Others, I wonder why the hell they are together! Some, I just cringe at how they look. To each his own I guess.

For me, it would be a simple wedding like I stated in the past. Just a small church with friends and family. Then, an elaborate midnight wedding in which we al dress medieval and dance the night away under the glow of torches. Who knows what kind of hell we'd raise and songs sung til we can sing no more. Get stoned, drunk, or have sex under the stars! Why? The Hedgehoggy said so!

It's good to be a bit of a free spirit. It also makes things easier in life. Make no judgements of people's lives. I just wish everyone had more common sense instead of blaming others for their own stupidity. Sad how so many sue for their own demise. McDonalds should not be at fault because of your obesity!

Who knows if I will ever be married. I don't see it happening anytime soon since I am so cold in how I deal with things lately. Without trust, I just keep to myself. Here I am, a boy with a bit of a body, that works out and goes home. Just get the job done is all I do. No more talking to as many people as I used to. No trust from me. Sad but I get the job done.

I'm not one for popularity and I sure as hell don't kiss ass. Been there. Done that. I laugh at people like Jello and P. Diddly when they need to walk with an entourage. It's sad to pay people to kiss your ass. It's also a fake way of being. Just give me a few good friends to trust and I will be fine.

All I need is Bald-O, my PenDragon, and Mark. From Diaryland, I have gained a few other great ones as well. You all know who you are and I enjoy reading what you put out here. It's good to know there are other people that have good in their hearts, unlike a lot of the people I have met in life. Mister Religious is losing me with his lack of being. I don't like followers much. However, I hold to myself that one day MR will come back.

Well, today is another rainy day. I have a group meeting at 5pm so I must prepare my backpack. Then, I have my cold and calculating workout to deal with. Hope everyone is enjoying their day and not sneezing every 5 minutes like me! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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