Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
So, today? Ugh. It's one of those days that I miss campus and all the schenanigans that go on once in a while. Hell, I'll take a crazy ass wake up call thanks to some asshole that pulled the fire alarm over excess quietness just for today. Ugh, again.

I've been reading my chapters for my class and then I wrote letters. Yes! I'll be mailing pics in no time, folks! I made promises and I keep them. Really? I am not always on top of things but I do try even though I feel like a huge pile of shit thanks to allergies. My dog now loves to rummage through used kleenexes and tear them up. He is so busted! It will be a takedown for the 411 to rat on his cronies, Ellie-Mae and Clyde.

Oh, you came for some kink? Alright......(ahem).....I'm bored shitless so I might as well go where no man has gone before (deep male voice that Hedgehoggy does NOT have).....female masturbation!!!!!!!

It's funny how I found out girls masturbate quite a bit. They just use different terms for it. The key one is "long hot bath." I like that one as well but the weird thing is I use that set of words as well but I'm not doing kinky things with the shower massager. I do use it to sing but that's only cuz Simon isn't there.

Almost all girls I have met in life admitted at some point to me that they like to masturbate. What's interesting about this is that Kristan told me that they tend to do it out of loneliness more than just achieving orgasm. Yeah, I know all about those "magic fingers," girls.

When I was with M, and her roommates, we played Truth Or Dare in one of the rooms. It got to the point that we knew quite a bit about our sexual experiences. M talked about how she would masturbate while her roommate was asleep. THAT roommate was in the room telling her to shut up once that statement was said. M was not embarassed at all. I was amazed.

Okay, I met this one girl named Corrie. One night I tried to get ahold of her roommate, E. Well, E was gone so I had to deal with Corrie all by myself completely drunk out of my mind. Corrie puts on her sexiest top to try and persuade me to do "things." She had me sit in the living room and talk while she would flaunt and I mean flaunt her boobs that night. Once talking had kind of died down, Corrie tosses me a tap measure. I was shocked and asked her why there was a tape measure in my lap. Well, Corrie apparently had heard things and thought that since I was pretty fucked up that I would measure my dick in front of her. The scary thing is that I did give it a thought. Yikes! Yeah, I was really sloshed.

The reason I bring this story up is that Corrie was well known in my dorm as a chronic masturbator. She would be heard going at it with her vibrator throughout nights. We giggled about it of course. Her roommates were not always happy with how the vibrator made so much noise, though. When we walked by Corrie at times, we would go, "Bzzzzzz....Bzzzz."

I have got to give props to Corrie for not caring what anyone thought as she buzzed her way through the night. She worked late hours and wanted to come back to the dorm for a little relaxation I guess. Oh, I giggle still! It was always the night shift with her. Whatever got her through the night, huh?

Now, I know that girls do it mostly with their fingers thanks to having roommates. In my dorm, people lived in suites. It was 4 to 6 people that shared a bathroom and living room. 2 people of that suite would share a small space. Fingers were moving quite a bit in my coed dorm at night.

Yeah, we even had booty-calls. Corrie would call up Mark. The next thing you know, Corrie's roommates were happy to not awaken thanks to her vibrator. These walls were thin, folks!

It is quite a sexual fantasy to watch girls masturbate (I know people are going to find this diary thanks to these words for some spank material). I have to admit I am one. To me, it would help me become a better lover to see how she likes to be rubbed. It's important to see the frequency and how a girl touches herself that I can learn from. One should always want to learn more in becoming a better lover. Oh, I'd lick her fingers afterwards. Oops! Did I just say that!?!

But alas, no girl would ever masturbate in front of me. Arrrgh! Kristan, the girl that wanted to do everything except anal, would not even do it. "It's private" was all she said. This from the girl that did amazing things with my penis that I've yet to experience the same way with others!!!!

Why is it such a turn on as well? I sure as hell don't get it but it does. Might as well accept it.

It's interesting how far female sexuality has come. Here in my hometown, there is a female sex shop that caters to just females. No males are allowed inside unless accompanied by a girl. Interesting! I have to drive by it weekly since it's near the comic shop.

This shop doesn't hold much back! There are dildos and all sorts of things in easy view as you walk by its windows. The funny thing is I have never seen one owned by a girl. They hide things pretty good. G never hid her Playgirls but I'm pretty damn sure she had one. Like I said, whatever gets you through the night......

I'm kind of moody. My mom and I got into a discussion about whether Bush will be reelected. Scary. Very scary. This country will go downhill so fast. What's funny is how people don't see how bad the Republicans make the U.S. It's almost always the Democrats that clean up after them once they take office. Bill cleaned up the crap that Bush Sr. did.

I loved it how Bush said, "How could you live with a man like Clinton in the White House?" Well, we had money, a good economy, a president that could do well in foreign relations, and help end the deficit. How bad is that? We now have a shitty economy with hardly any jobs, the world pretty much hates us, and our president talks big about being a "C" student in college. How could we go wrong?

Well, I am moody so I might as well sign off here. Sammy, expect something in the mail from me next week. Don't let the bastards grind you down!

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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