Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Moms lie. It's that simple. My mom told me that she was going to go grocery shopping and I admitted that I would go if it was short. Well, she told me that it was going to be a very short trip. My mom lied.

I spent over an hour and a half in the local grocery store thanks to her having to go back to the frozen food section not once, not twice, but 4 TIMES!!! I kept asking my mom if she had everything to which she insisted that she had. Ugh. Sometimes, my mom really knows how to make me mad.

This is another thing that urks me. Once my mom and I got back from grocery shopping, my dad did not bother to help unload. Not one bit til we had everything in. My dad only came down to eat something my mom and I brought back. Fucking lazy ass fuck! All that time just laying on the bed watching TV while I unloaded most of the groceries. Mom did some of them.

Now, I am one of those that firmly belives that since I live under this roof rent free, I should earn my keep. I will help out when needed or more likely when I am not nagged into it all. *my mom has a way of just telling you what to do instead of asking nicely* The dishes are most likely put into the dishwasher or taken out by me. My dad only does this once in a while and he STILL leaves his goddamn Coke cans laying out for ants!!!

Trips to the grocery store can be fun. Today, I spotted a mullet on a lady that worked there. Mullets on women are far worse. They just are and I cannot explain it more. Along with the mullet, I saw a woman with one of the biggest asses I've ever seen! Her little daughter was with her as well. Let me just tell you that azz runs in the family.

My mom just came up to me and told me that she has to leave on an errand-she won't tell me where. I'm guessing she is getting me an Easter basket!

Easter is a problem for me. I love chocolate but cannot eat it. DO YOU KNOW HOW I WOULD KILL FOR AN M&M!!!! I miss chocolate so much that at times the smell drives me crazy. I swear there are two scents in the world. You all know one of them but chocolate is the other!

The reason I can't eat chocolate anymore is because of its effects on my head. No, I'm not crazy. It's just that the caffeine tends to block my hearing or something. It's weird but I had to quite eating chocolate cold turkey over 10 years ago. So, now you know how much I miss biting into chocolate bunny heads and gobbling up Cadbury Eggs (I used to break them in half and pour the insides into my mouth). Hey, at least missing chocolate helps me keep my "girlish figure."

Well, now you know why I am a bit stressed out when I hear about chocolat bunnies and such. It's a hard knock life for me........ 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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