Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
It takes a very strong person to do certain things in this world. If I had a vagina and a guy put a cigar inside it and said that it tasted better that way, I sure wouldn't face the public in a stable state. Lucky for us, Monica Lewinsky is back in public! Yes! After all those kinky times that we had to listen about and who wouldn't want to read about blowjobs in the Oval Office (is it any wonder they call it..."oval?") while on the phone with some very important people. *wink wink*

Well, if you must know, Monica is hosting a show called Mr Personality on Fox. I must admit that the ads are amusing but I just don't think women dig guys the look like The Blue Man Group, except my roommate Dave. He loves them! Sometime, I'll ask him about his sexuality but I'm not one to bring up such touchy subjects.

So......HedgehoggyLand? Quite happy and pleasant for now. Love the new Air Jordan ads since Michael Jordan retired. As you know, my shoes are only Air Jordans since they are THE most comfortable shoe as well as beautifully designed. I feel like a hypocrite since I'm not much for basketball (small hands) but I just love the shoes. Yo, Hedgehoggy love da shoes, man! You da bomb, baby!!! That's my best Mars Blackmon impression.

The Easter Bunny left me some Jelly Bellys (yuck!) and peanut butter eggs by Reeces. I once ate a whole back of the peanut butter ones and spent the next day "sitting." Will not elaborate any further, okay? I do love those damn peanut butter eggs but once you eat one, ya gotta have 4 more. Once you have 4 more, ya gotta have 13 more! Fucking addictive shit, folks!

I think The Man Show did a great episode on nailing the bitch, Rosie O' Donnel. I cannot stand her and have never heard a nice thing about this "Queen Of Nice." Not one bit. Jimmy went to the Gay Pride Parade to ask lesbians if they would have sex with Rosie. No one would unless it helped cure AIDS. Interesting. Rosie apparently only likes Cheetos and vaginas. Hey, me, too! At least we relate in that category.....

Okay, I have been inspired by The Man Show tonight. I want to do a boy's understanding of menstruation. "What's that?" you ask. Well, in lingo it means "flowing the crimson wave" or a "visit from Aunt Flo."

Yes, I am going to tell how I, The Hedgehoggy, figured out periods when I was a kid. It's gonna be tough and it's gonna bring up embarassing moments. Hey I "spotted" once so I feel your pain! This will be someday soon since I have so many topics to discuss......potpourri, driving cars shaped like food, being a man, my gym experiences, and so on. I will bond with my fellow woman.

Oh, I cringe at myself. What have I done!?! Testosterone is being replaced by estrogen. Calgon, take me away!!! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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