Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Another day winding down here........

Today was fun in some ways. My mom called me "weird" thanks to me telling her all about my werewolf dream. So, I looked at her and said, "So, you don't think I should have gone back into the house to save Jethro (my dog)?" She looked at me with a look that she reserves for her bad 3rd grade students. Nobody gets on my mom's nerves better then me.

Anybody else described as a Tourret's Syndrome person at the dinner table? That's me! That's me! I pretty much went into a mode of complete weirdness by saying odd things at odd moments. My little brother couldn't stop laughing while I started talking about how men like to sssssssssmeeeaer their tacos (that's what I had for dinner) with meat.

So, I called up good ol' Bald-O for some "men talk" since I've been dwelling too much with my feminine side (talking about periods wears a guy out ya know?). He told me about getting my tux which will be this Saturday (yay!). Now, Bald-O already got measured and doesn't want me to know what they were. Yup. That dumb turd put on some weight! I fucking knew it! I'm guessing his waist size is close to 37 now. I'm pretty sure I'm still at 31 since 34 is baggy and that's what The Hedgehoggy wears.

It's funny how Bald-O protects his sizes from me. It's gotten to the point that we don't discuss everything anymore. Dammit! I need some good gossip. It's okay since we're men and we can handle it......I think. Gotta suck it up since Bald-O and I are former ballplayers. I was a catcher, Bald-O played 3rd base, and Mark was a pitcher.

So, the plan? Oh, I gotta get up at 8am to meet Bald-O in his hometown to be taken to the tux rental place before noon since they close at that time. Sucks to wake up that early on a Saturday, especially since I'm also missing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles carton. Damn my inner child!

The gym was awesome tonight! Totally awesome! Joe was there so I was in an instant good mood talking to him. As a result, I talked to 3 or 4 girls in the gym. Yes, it was like Hedgehoggy found not only his feminine side but also his testosterone side. 1 sorority girl-very cute. A girl that travels in her work but lives in Chicago. Angie is someone I've seen so often in the gym that it's surprising that I introduced myself for the first time in so many years. Relax. I was just being friendly to all since I take my workout seriously.

Yeah, as a result of my workout, I am pretty much exhausted so this entry sucks. I don't think I even make good sense. My brain is close to shutdown after reading another boring chapter on dividends. Ugh. I know I will invest one day so this is important to me personally.

So, I am off to a land of slumber. I did get complements for my last entry. Thanks! You know who you are. ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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