Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
It's a horrible event in any young man's life. Nothing like this comes easy since it clings to you at odd moments. Dreams are made in them and some are shattered. Surprises happen on occasion that cause you to wonder about your own stability. The colors are important since they show how secure you are in them once they are applied. As a child it only mattered what character was strategically placed to conceal the "boys." Of course, I am talking about underwear.

Yes, today I have to get rid of a pair of my Calvins. It's not an easy event since I've had some good times in them. They were there when Bald-O graduated from school and I watched in the stands. My "naughty bits" were securely in place when I wasn't sure where they were. I could always know that although I couldn't feel them there, they were there. I had my "spotting" in them when I sat down on something sharp.

My Calvins have a big hole in the rear end part and no.....I didn't have a huge ass-blowing session. When I sat down on some kind of sharp object, it started a hole that gradually got bigger. It's not fun feeling wind in odd places, okay?

So, my undies will be going in the garbage soon. It's funny how I remember the exact store I got these Calvins, Marshalls. My size in boxer/briefs (in case anyone is getting me a pair to help keep 2Pak secure) is Medium. Yes, I have a tiny heiney. Anyone want to bid on them to get the aroma of my balls? (evil laughter) They just might be an aphrodisiac!

Well, another night but I'm only lightly tired. I'm back onto chapter 12 now to read and reread. Soon, I'll be taking notes to get my shit in gear on doing problems. One of the questions I deal with was on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? It was: Who would work with a P/E Ratio? I knew it! Answer: Stock Evaluator. *Hedgehoggy pats himself on back*

Speaking of that game show, I think Merideth is HOT!!!! Wow! I just can't get enough of this lady and she was also the only reason I even watched The View on daytime TV. (Hey, we all get bored in a drunken stupor but what a find in Merideth!) I could do without Star, though. Ugh! Big and fat aint where it's at.

Well, I think this is enough of me revealing my inner longing for the occasional older woman. Oh, maybe I'll be all dreamy about her tonight........ 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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