Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
There are times that I wonder what is going on in people's heads as they abuse the thought of being American.

When I drive to school for that 50 miles to campus, I go through a very small town on the backroads way. I come across horses, pigs, beautiful houses, an old train in a person't backyard, and occasionally a dead deer. I get a little upset when I come across a dead deer or any kind of animal that lays there in the road. Raccoons also hold a special place in me.

In this small town is a sign clearly labeled and easy to read as one goes through the main road. It reads, "Real Americans Don't Buy French Wine." Now, I just couldn't believe how stupid this sign is. Yes, it all has to do with France's not joining us in the war with Iraq but it also shows how moronic people are.

In my world, people live on choices. You don't like something? Don't do it. I believe that France and any other country for that matter did not have to join us in this war with Iraq. It also doesn't mean that they are cowards as a result. Real people know that freedom also brings choices.

I must admit that I was a bit upset with France for one thing. The head person said that no matter what Powell came up with, he would not look at it. Now, that's ignorance. Sorry. The UN Council was designed to look at the affairs of the world and not to ignore them.

France and other countries did not have to join in the war with Iraq. It angers me that these so called "real Americans" think that America has the right to force our opinions on others. Well, guess what? They may not see things as we see them. Opinions vary as the wise Dalton of RoadHouse said. *good guilty pleasure movie*

Another thing that irritates me is this trashing of The Dixie Chicks thanks to one of member's quotes of "being ashamed of George Bush." Well, I am a true American and I am also ashamed of George "My daddy bought me the presidency" Bush as well. It's funny how as the war is coming to an end, he awarded million dollar contracts to crony construction companies instead of putting it up for bids. That's pretty mean, Georgy-Poo. We wanna know why this company got 'em. Could it be because of something called......oh, I don't know.....campaign contributions?

George Bush Jr. as well as his moronic dad have slowly destroyed the American Dream. It won't be much longer til we are not even able to afford to heat our own homes thanks to rising costs (oh, but he pockets quite a bit). This son called "environmental president" also doesn't look into a different kind of system to help such as windmill power or solar power. Why? George is heavily into the oil business. Big bucks over the environment.

The one thing that really makes me furious is Dick Cheney (that's the vice president, folks!) met with a group of people for something called "Fuel Outlook Advisors." Well, we already have an area that looks into that but you see......what Dick doesn't want you to know is that there were most likely big bucks involved under the table so he fought the court system to have these papers out of our knowledge. Knowing how uninterested we so called "Americans" are, it's long forgotten.

So, with this in mind, I am a bit upset with these "Americans" that destroyed Dixie Chicks's albums as well as not playing them on the radio. It's not that I like the music (I'm not a country fan) but I just don't like it when people use this excuse to forget about things like freedom of speech as well as the right to choices. Nobody seems to stand up against real morons like George Bush and his sneaky Republicans.

Oh, I get so steamed when George does his speeches! "I'm gonna get this economy rolling" is such bullshit! He has no clue and HE is the one that helped lose 95,000 jobs in St. Louis alone. When will America wake up!?! George also stopped taxation of dividends. This only helps the wealthy since they are the ones that can buy huge amounts of stock. Clinton, we loved you and America needs you back so put that chubby blonde down and find help!

Hey, did you know it was Belgians that discovered French Fries......oops...."Freedom Fries?" Just thought you'd like to know that since our nation's hard working minds are at work changing names in the cafeterias of America.

Well, sorry, if you were looking for kinky stuff from my mind. It's not there. You see, when I think of George Bush's No Clue speeches, I start to worry. America is beginning to look very scary. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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