Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
If there is one thing I would definitely not forget during this finals week, it's gotta be my dog, Bonnie. She has been so much fun in this house with her goofiness and being aloof here and there. This dog has some major personality. Then again, it could be that she's in heat and it makes her act a bit "odd." For one thing, Bonnie rubs up against everything, especially me when I lay on the floor with her.

Okay, my favorite college teacher was Barb. She taught Human Sexuality. Now, I thought this class would be just okay to be in but I had so much fun that I loved to go! Every week, I looked forward to getting up at 8am to be in the classroom at 9am. Of course, one of my friends was in there that made that year a lot of fun as well.

Barb started that class off with a bang by handing each of us 2 papers. One of them contained a diagram of the female reproductive organs and the other was the male reproductive organs. The only thing was that the names were scratched off so we had to fill in the blanks with our own knowledge. Guess who did well in one but not the other?

Yes, yours truly had a hard time with....the male reproductive organs. Arrgh! I hated the fact that I only new the names of "scrotum," "penis," testicles," and so on. All those tubes going through our "naughty bits" made it hard to distinguish what was what. Believe me when I say that I was embarassed as hell.

Now, the female reproductive organs were so easy! I could name "labia majora," labia minora," "clitoris," "vagina," "mons pubis," and so on. Guess all that sex with Kristan payed off, huh? Actually, it was funny how I knew quite a bit of all this. Kristan thought that to be a really good lover, one must know each area of the person's sexual organs as sensitive spots. So......

One night, Kristan and I were having sex (not surprising, huh?) and she thought it would be smart for me to know all of her sensitive areas. She lay there with her legs open and would point out each and every crevis, hole, and what turns these areas on. Like an amazing student (although drooling as well), I payed close attention. Needless to say, we HAD to have sex again afterwards.

My teacher was amazing in how anything goes! I brought up a discussion on blowjobs, sex in college, and Monica Lewinsky. Hell, the kinkiest person was the teacher. Barb showed pictures of what happens to a woman's vaginal lips when she is experiencing orgasm (very red!) as well as a guy cumming. I remember the classroom being very quiet as we were shown these images.

It felt so cool to be in a room where it was open to discussion on all forms of sexuality. Nothing was forbidden to discuss. Hell, no one laughed unless it was a joke so everything was taken seriously. Barb would get up there and tell dirty jokes to loosen us up at times.

One thing that freaked me out was when Barb told us to massage the shoulders of the person in front of you while the person in back massaged yours. It was a line of us doing this. Well, that is the only time I would let a guy touch me in such a way. Keep it on the down low, okay?

So, I recently found out that Barb was gay. Now, I kind of got the feeling about her but wasn't sure what it was. I knew she was married at one time with 2 kids. It was always cute to see her daughters visiting her office once class was over. It seems she had been seeing the head director of the health studies program. Now, I had wondered why they were seen together so much. What a dummy I am!

It doesn't matter to me whether a person is gay or not. I thought Barb was amazingly fun as a teacher. Is it any surprise that I got an "A" in Human Sexuality. It was fun studying with people and seeing others reactions as we openly talked about "penises" and "vaginas."

Well, today? It's getting hot out there but I still can't take off my clothes no matter how much Nelly tries to tell me to. There is a light coolness factor to deal with. Got my big skaterboi shorts like Avril likes. I'm her sexy bitch.

I'll be back later but I sure miss everyone else updating lately. It seems like 1 or 2 people a day talk to their diaries now. I hate finals week! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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