Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I am amazed at America's arrogance. It bothers me that no one takes a look as to why other country's hate us. Here we are criticizing how many palaces Saddam builds yet lets people starve and we have the nerve to hate him on this. Yes, it is horrible to see him do this but at the same time we have MTV shows like Cribs showing stars with 6 cars and so on.

I'll have to admit that MTV's Cribs is a guilty pleasure of mine. I love to see the architecture of a star's home along with how they decorate here and there. It even gives me ideas as to what I would do with my apartment someday. The one major thing I pay VERY close attention to is their movie systems. I love surround sound and big screen TVs to see movies in the best format possible. Widescreen has always been my favorite viewing format.

There are two other areas that I pay attention to. Kitchens and bedrooms. I love big soft beds to sleep in. It's always cool to have a big bed to lounge in with your animals and lover. Gonna be a big Alaskan Sled Dog in there!

Even though I can't cook, I would love to have a big kitchen to share and learn in. It's always been a fantasy of mine to have everyone over in which we all get into a huge discussion in it like The Big Chill. Oh, someday I will learn to cook. Trust me.

So, my peeve? I hate how we criticize Saddam yet we have these movie stars demanding $30 million dollar salaries and perks. Don't get me started on the rappers and their fleet of cars. How many do you need!?! I don't understand this having to load up your car with Playstations and so much shit you might as well live in it. Who cares how many rims are on your tires?

There is an article in the newest issue of Time that questions video piracy. (Always good to have other pirates out there! Arrggh!) They wonder why people download movies instead of paying for them. Could it be the greed of charging people 10-15 dollars to attend a movie so that the star gets his/her million dollar paycheck? DVDs cost very little to make yet we are told to pay $25 per disc. CDs cost less than $2, so why am I paying close to a DVD?

What I hate is stars that demand huge perks just to do a commentary. Arnold demanded thousands of dollars which caused the DVD to go up in cost. John Travolta has the biggest demands to star in movies along with Julia Roberts demanding a plan always be ready for her if she wants to leave. Why?

Greed bothers me. All I need is a nice car that runs and maybe something for back up. I don't need a fleet of Mercedes and such. All I need is enough to live.

It makes me laugh when Jack Valenti questions video piracy. The people that really make the movies, such as writers, script makers (they set up quite a bit in getting it ready), and the workers on the set are not considered. I do not go to a movie just for the actor. For example, I will not go see a Guys and Dolls remake just because Vin Diesel is in it. I wanna see something that thrills me. The people behind the scenes should get more respect, Jack.

It's also mean how the studios demand the theaters pay just about all of their money to show the films. Most theaters make money on concessions so that's why you pay a bit more for Nestle Crunch Bars as opposed to in the grocery store. Got it? The studios have to pay the demands to spoiled stars.

It makes me laugh when MTV said, "This is how stars spend their hard earned money..." Hard earned? Not many stars really work that hard. It's like models saying how hard it is to stand there and look pretty. I'll stand there for $10,000 that day for as long as they need me to.

It just bugs me how much people demand for themselves. A Will & Grace star was caught shoplifting recently. Doesn't she make enough money? Do you have to have 1,000s of shirts and jackets to live when people in America are really living harsh thanks to Bush's recession. Okay, I can't blame all of the recession on him but he is definitely part of the problem.

Ugh. I'm now hungry. I still need to read and reread my chapters to figure out what formulas to put on my notecard. Busy, busy, busy.........Oh, I'm a bit calmer now. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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