Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
It was very difficult to wake up this morning. My right eye was tearing thanks to allergies. To add to this, it's now kind of red thanks to constant rubbing as a result of itching. Ugh. Allergy sufferers go through quite a bit just to live or wake up.

Today is laundry day thanks to a 2 week pile-up in my closet. Quite a load to carry down the steps but all socks and undies are accounted for. I'm sure there are some ladies that would love to smell my undies since the aroma of my balls are in them. The musk of 2-Pak will forever be embedded in your minds but auctioning of them on Ebay. You'll just have to keep your perverted minds in check for now.

We have to put all the piles of laundry in baskets thanks to Jethro's need to pee on anything. The little shit thinks he has to mark any statue, table, or put out imaginary fires each day. I've caught him peeing in the past but I have to admit that Jethro is good at hiding this.

Oh, Jethro is also stealing used kleenexes and tearing them up again. He'll stand up to look into waste baskets and pull used ones out for his enjoyment. Yuck. Jethro loves allergy season.

It's pretty nice looking outside but a tiny bit cold once you walk out there. As a result, I have 2 t-shirts on. My nipples do pop out here and there. Yes, I have sensitive nipples so I hear you girls on this. I like them rubbed and licked, too.

For once, I am not joining Mom to go grocery shopping. Why? I'm in need to read 2 more chapters and then tomorrow I will write out the formulas I have selected for my notecard. Mind you, this is a small notecard and there are the possibility of over 50 formulas. Which one will the prof choose is anyone's guess. Wish me luck on Monday.

I'm probably going to write an entry on my farewell to school. It was a nice year as well as the others in the past. Great teachers, friends, and yes, there were the occasional mishaps as well as disgusting roommates. I don't know about you but there are some guys and girls out there that think a bit too highly of themselves. Of course, romance happened, died, and then killed my feelings inside to want someone. Sounds like a romance novel in the works, huh?

Well, I'll try to be back later with a better entry but I must read. It is my duty to explore the boring textbooks in which I must pass or my ass is grass. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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