Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"There was a Zen maiden and she

in observing the Tao of feng shui,

said, "I find it best

to aim my twat west

when screwing or taking a pee."

Thanks to a nice short break, I decided to go check the mail. *Hedgehoggy squeals* Yes! The new Entertainment Weekly with the X-Men gang is on the cover. Oh, I can't wait to read it since I mostly started by gazing over the list of video games that EW listed as the Top 100.

The history of video games with me is weird. I have had a love of them but then I quit for some time. Nintendo was a passion when I first got one after begging my mom. You don't wanna know how many hours I spent working on games like Ninja Gaiden, Super Mario Bros., and Zelda. Castlevania took me over 3 hours to beat The Count at the end. By the time I had almost done it, George was in my little brother's room since he was tired of watching me get my ass kicked.

There is one game that is above all others and I have yet to find someone that has not heard of it. This game made everyone want to have a Nintendo 64. Yes, Bond. James Bond's Golden Eye (ranked #11 on the list) holds a special place in my heart. Where else can you arm yourself to kill your roommates at 3am in the morning? How is it legal to shoot a grenade up your roommate's ass? Nowhere but Bond.

I was good at Bond and would play it for so many hours. There was no stopping me and the boys knew it. If we played 4 people at once, they'd all gang up on me. Fortunately, I have a real good eye for shooting with a grenade launcher and shotgun. Yeah, I'm dangerously accurate once I have enough ammo to deal with 3 people waiting for me.

It was funny because Bond was played on a 19 inch TV. Calculate that to fit 4 little boxes for each person and you'll see how my roommates and I were scrunched up in my room trying to kill the persons involved. Oh, there were some temper tantrums from boys in that room! A lot of yelling and screaming as well when bets were made. I lost 1 thanks to the boys finally figuring out teamwork. That meant I had to clean the bathroom.

It sounds funny doesn't it? Why do we put our lives into video games? It's just a bunch of pixels that make an image. Some people only play video games thanks to not wanting to deal with everyday life. Can't blame 'em in some ways. There is some major evil out there but I'd take people over pixels.

My favorite video game? It's gotta be Zelda. I loved the series in challenging me to think and so on. Cute story and the dungeons were amazingly done. At times it took a lot of my sanity thanks to being lost. Never really got into Mario Bros., though.

All this is strange. I am about to get a Sega Genesis soon. What I want is to play Shinobi again. That was fun along with many other games. Each costs about $5 now so who am I to not take advantage of my geekness? Changing again. I go from jock to geek and back to jock. It does take muscles to press those buttons, ya know?

The dogs are sound asleep in their kennels. This is strange since they tend to talk to each other as I type. You'll hear some weird barks of conversation, especially late at night. It's cute to know they do have conversations.

The doves are sitting right in front of me on the gate as I type this. They are so nice to look at. Could this be a sign? I mean, my arm is working again. I'm about to finish school. What is this trying to tell me? 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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