Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
What a weird set of sights to see this morning! First, I was driving down the boulevard to go to Best Buy (looking for a DVD) and right in front of me were two geese taking their goslings out for a walk. Mind you, they were in the street so I was a bit worried for them as I got out of their way. When I looked in the rearview mirror, they had gotten onto a sidewalk. Whew! It was really cute to see these little goslings out for a walk. I'm guessing the dad was with them as well. What a mighty good man! Oh, there are occasions where the male goose honks at cars that get a little too close. It's fun to watch animals stick up for themselves.

Just a short while ago, I witnessed two birds doing a mating dance in my backyard. The female got down and the hulking male would come up close to mount her (It's Letters To Penthouse for birds!). He didn't get any since I'm assuming she was a tease. So, the two birds went back to doing what they do best by combing my backyard for worms.

I wish all I had to do was a mating dance. Life would be so easy if all I had to do was go up to some girl that I found interesting and say, "Watch me!" as I ran around the room like a chicken with its head cut off. Of course, it would be much more sophisticated like doing Pee Wee Herman's Tequila dance. (Point at your weiner and then at your buns dance) Maybe I should think of one someday and embarass the hell out of myself.

Buffy had me at the edge of my seat last night. I may have missed the first 35 minutes since I forgot to tape it once I was in the gym. The end where Faith opened the bomb made me shout out anger. If she dies, I will no doubt quit watching Buffy.

It's like this: I love certain characters in movies. Faith is great because she brings out my inner.....uh...sexual intuition. Also, Eliza Dushku, the girl that plays Faith, is so much fun to watch. I loved her inner spunk in Bring It On. She was the only reason to watch Soul Survivors and The New Guy. Without Faith, Buffy would mean very little to me. Sounds like a pun.

Another character that gets me jumpy is Indiana Jones. The whold series is coming out on DVD on November 4th!!!!!! Oh, how I loved Raiders Of the Lost Ark so much when I saw it as a little tyke. Indy had a great sense of adventure. The witty humor in which Adolph Hitler autographed his book in The Last Crusade was hilarious!

I saw Raiders Of the Lost Ark in the theater and could not get enough of it. Yes, that ending was chilling to a little kid. What was so cool was how dark the character appeared for the first 30 minutes. I like not knowing too much too soon. That whip and how little fear Indy had when dealing with what was before him. Hell, archeology was sexy all of a sudden. How the hell can you make THAT sexy!?!

My love of Indiana Jones (am I gay now?) reminded me why I love Tomb Raider as well. The movie itself is okay but the character of Lara Croft played by Angelina Jolie was pretty cool. SHE is Lara Croft and I can't wait to see the Tomb Raider sequel. I swear that if she were stuck in the jungle with me, I'd clean those panties with my tongue. Angelina brings out the naughty side of me.

Me? I'm feeling pretty sore still. There is also the excitement of me going to see the boys next week. May 15th, I will be down to visit and then we take off to St. Louis the next day. The game is at night so if you get it on TV, look for 9 guys in a row and one with spikish hair. I'm the only Cub fan stuck in a stadium filled with Cardinal fans. ARRRGH.

Oh, I got an intersting note. Yes, the morning wood was fine. Even though it annoys me since I sleep on my stomach, I was awakened early to deal with it. I hate peeing at 6:30am and then going back to bed but at least Mom and I had breakfast. She gave me her usual lectures.

Another thing is that I did not have to go on campus to return the book! I'm sending it through the mail since my car is not trustworthy right now. There's a light that comes on and I still need to get it checked out soon. Hopefully, it's nothing. I'll try to be back later, folks.

*Sammy, I hope the finals are going okay* 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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