Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
It's so rare to find a person that says a lot of what is on my mind or thinks quite like me. There are so few people that I admire. We know Hugh Hefner is one that I think is amazing. He still keeps in touch with his boyhood friends and started one of the few tasteful magazines out there. Watching Hugh and his pals play their games as naked Playmates swam makes me hope that one day I will have a big den for the boys to come over and be our jolly goofy selves.

Bill Maher was on tonight. This man is amazing at how he fights for truth. There is no sugarcoating with Bill. I agree with many statements he said: The U.S. is filled with gluttons, forcing democracy for Iraq is going to cause resentment, Bush is phony and looking for photo opportunities now, and there is no truth in politics since people just accept what is told to them. Scary.

Take Bush's tax cut crappola being pushed. Why? It's going to hurt the U.S. even more since taxes fund our schools that are already heavily fucked. There are so many reasons but I'm not going to bore you. I'm also a bit tired.

My day? Oh, it is storming outside. Told you we are getting weird weather in Illinois. One minute it's all shiny and the next we gots to wear our rubbers. I love to watch storms so I am calm at this point. Ask me how I feel when Bush gets reelected.

Joe was in the gym tonight. Since there were no sorority girls for him to ogle, we talked a bit. No longer is he going into the Air Force (Yes!) so he'll be around for some more time. This guy's legs are getting huge from all this focusing on them. I'm not kidding about this! Joe looks a little funny since his thighs are so thick but his calf muscles are so small. Hey, I've got chicken legs but I'm working on 'em.

I am now in the process of getting rid of more magazines in my closet. It's mostly old issues of Stuff. I really don't know why I kept them but a packrat's gotta do what a packrat's gotta do right?

Tomorrow, I may or may not go visit campus. The book needs to be turned in but my car's engine light has been coming on again. Going 50 miles south is not good if there is a chance of trouble. My dad is going to look at my car tomorrow morning. I get so fearful of car trouble since I know nothing about them. Guess I'm not a real guy, huh?

Watched a bit of Extreme Ops, a new movie that came out on DVD. It's nice since I like seeing snowboarding and all. The cast is a bit pretty for snowboarders and such. Not enough tattoos as well. Oh, and hardly anyone in X-Games looks like Vin Diesel. It just aint going to happen.

I was talking to one of the guys in the gym about his hair. It's looks like a white guy with an afro. My thing is that I am tempted to shave my head. It's serious shit since I love my hair, thick and all. Shaving it would save money on not having to get haircuts. Then again, I've always wanted to color it again. I was blonde for 3 to 4 days once. MR didn't even recognize me in the bowling alley once. He said it wasn't pretty, me with a blonde look. My IQ points went down about 50 during that temporary insanity.

Well, enough of this selfish entry. My body feels the need for rest and I shall abide by the call. Time for sleep and tomorrow will be morning wood! It's always good to think aHEAD. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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