Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Wow! That's what I have to say after seeing the hazing incident in Chicago. The junior girls of a Chicago high school had the shit kicked out of them by senior girls. One got a broken ankle while being smashed in the face with a bucket of fish guts. The really awful thing was an interview of one of the female students. She's goes on camera and said, "I don't understand what the big deal is. So what if one of the girls had her head split open?" If you thought girls were nothing but sugar and spice, I've got a few ex-girlfriends of mine for you to meet.

What do you read when you poop? I know this is a weird question to ask but I've only realized this today for some reason. It must be the weather that causes weird questions to form in my brain.

When I lived with the boys, our reading material was Wall Street Journal (for me only), Rolling Stone, Playboy, Hustler, Penthouse, USA TODAY, Chicago Tribune, Maxim, and the school paper. If anyone ran out of toilet paper, all of these will have alternative uses. I'm kidding! We never ran out but we did come close a few times.

When I visited the girls, I found in their bathrooms Cosmopolitan, Victoria's Secret catalogs (stolen by the boys later on), Abercrombie & Fitch catalogs, Glamour, and Newsweek. It was funny how the girls were wondering where their Victoria's Secret catalogs were when all they had to do was visit our bathroom. Laetia Casta was such a sweetie in there!

Actually, I ask the question of what you read in the bathroom because I brought new reading material today! Yes, it was free comic book leftovers that I picked up. What did I bring? I thought you'd never ask. I got an Archie comic, Batman Adventures, and Donald Duck Tales. Good stuff, huh? It gets the job done.

If you were to walk into my bathroom, you'd find it very neat. The only things out are my contact case and cleaners. That's pretty much it. If you look in the corner, you'd be in heaven to sit there on the "throne." We got a huge stack of Entertainment Weeklys and Us Weeklys along with a book on golf players (my brother's). You could be pooping for days or have a possible 4-flusher and not need to come out. It's good to be the king here.

I was telling my mom earlier how Bald-O used to take dumps and smoke at the same time. It helped kill the smell at least. I don't want to know what he did with his ashes, okay?

*Have you ever spent so long in the bathroom that when it was all over you felt lost? Maybe it's just me.*

Oh, what joy it is to once again not have any pain in my right arm! I had a great workout even if it was short. You see, I don't want to overdo it for now. Next week, I go hardcore in which I will improve my workout to its max. Can't wait.

Joe was in the gym tonight. We haven't been talking as much since he's been so tired from allergies. Sucks but next week our schedules will have us back to training at the same time like last summer. There are times I could use some cheering up in there.

Well, I am pretty much dazed and confused. No, I was not in the bathroom. My eyes just get a bit tired thanks to being sleepy. My workout wears me out at around this time.

Oh, after Mark's wedding, I'll be on the job hunt. It might be sooner since Mom's hinting at me to do something. Don't you just love it when parents hint at kicking you out? Good ol' Mom. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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