Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
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As weird as this entry is gonna get, I couldn't help but love the DeBeers commercial in which an older couple are walking in the park. The next thing you see is a younger couple and they smile after seeing the older people. It's apparent that this younger couple sees a bit of themselves in this. The next thing you know we see the younger couple from behind but there is a diamond on her ring finger. Oh, so subtle, Debeers.

Now, I admit that I miss being in love. I may talk about how great it is to be single and do what I want to do. Since I love to explore things and have time for myself, what with this new life ahead of me, it's important to be independent. I just hate it when people become so desperate for a mate. It's disgusting and creepy! When I see these Debeers commercials, I hate to admit this, but I feel the sentimentalness given off by them. Who doesn't want to be that older couple in the park?

*This just in: A squirrel is eating my apple as I type this-cute!*

My thing is that a diamond should not be pressured onto a guy as if to show his love. I hate it how women force guys to buy them a diamond. It just doesn't feel right unless he really wants to give this to her. Hell, I'd do it once I am sure she is right for me. It might surprise you that I don't even want sex on the first date. Seriously. I like to know the person as deeply as possible since she is someone I will be talking to the rest of my life. I know having sex with Jen on the first night was a mistake but hey.......I learned some cheerleading moves. As a result, I should try out for the Bring It On sequel. What color bloomers should I wear?

On rings, I was irritated as hell by Buffy once Angel gave Buffy the ring. Actually, I loved what he did but once this episode aired, girls were walking all over with the Cladagh ring. It's an Irish ring symbolizing love/friendship. Not many of these girls took this ring seriously. It didn't matter if they were wearing it, cheating was all over the place.

I've always admired the Cladagh ring. It's plated with 2 hands holding a heart. It depends on how it is pointed to the person as to how it is interpretted. You can figure this out on your own. Unfortunately, I have never received the Cladagh ring. It's like that old saying in life: "You can't have everything in life." Well, I have always wanted this ring and I'm hoping one day that I find a lover that would give me one. The honor is that you cannot ask for it but receive it. The problem is my bad memories of pathetic relationships like with Jen and "She Who Shall Not Be Named." ARRRRGH! I swear that they almost destroyed me for 2 years!

Do I sound like a woman wanting a ring so bad? I know it's weird but I've always admired certain traditions. Like my tattoo on my right shoulder of the battle with earth's elements, everything stands for something. The martial arts are important to me and the tattoo relates to that. People just don't get it.

I am really sore. My biceps were given quite a workout last night. Joe thought it was funny how I didn't stay in the gym long. If you have ever been injured (I know how you feel Miss-Edith), then you know how scary it is to first go back to working out on the area you were once injured. Next week is the hardcore workout. I can't wait to test my strength in a few areas!

This ring discussion has reminded me of a movie I love. I know it sounds surprising but I loved 4 Weddings And A Funeral. It's the only Hugh Grant movie I found amusing. The guy that died in it is a bit like Bald-O. When I am perplexed, I can be like Hugh's character. Yes, even guys with big arms get to a point where they stumble on their words. *Sometimes I'm shy*

Tomorrow, I will do the most explicit sex entry hopefully. I am going to discuss oral sex. It's about why I love it, the first time I received a blowjob, and ettiquete. Oh, it's jolly good fun with the Hedgehoggy!

*Thanks to those that responded to my pooping entry. It's funny how you can spend time just counting flowers on the wallpaper, huh?*

I'll try to be back later today since I think this entry sucks. It just does. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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