Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
You should have seen that storm last night! It was quite a bunch of power punches throughout the night. My room was lit up every now and then thanks to lightning here and there. The house shook as if a giant was pushing it every now and then. Know what? I loved it!

I love storms and sometimes I watch them from a garage or my windows here at home. It was too dark to see them last night as well as me being sleepy. On the other hand my dogs don't like them.

Yorkies tend to shiver and shake at the mere thunder that presents itself. They ask to be let into rooms to cower under beds or snuggle up close as more thunder rumbles in. Who knows how they acted in their kennels last night........

Half the traffic lights were out this morning as I drove north on an errand. I'm used to seeing the lights blink on and off. Not many people were out thanks to all the rain this morning. Usually, the north area is filled with traffic but not today. I was happy with not having to be bumper to bumper with so many morons.

The doves were flying near my window once the rain ended. I'm still amazed once I see them. Having a mate for life is one of the ideal things I would love to have someday. Yeah, there's a huge bout of loyalty in this ol' heart.

Yesterday, I threw out a wastebasket full of old magazines. It was so heavy that I had a real hard time getting it all into the trashcan. As a result of the wastebasket slipping, it rubbed hard against my inner forearm. I now have a big red mark and a bit of a loss of skin there. Hurt like hell once it happened. No cry for Hedgehoggy. He's a tough ol' bastard.

I'm a bit sleepy thanks to being restless last night. Even though I sleep well through storms, this time I must have tossed and turned. Felt like I fought the law all on my own in my dreams.

Well, Diaryland has been pretty quiet lately. Wonder why....... 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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