Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
So, my hair is working for me today. Isn't this great? I found out that I need to dry it before I put any kind of gunk in it. That way, it stays more up instead of a little down here and there. My hair smells kind of nice now that I've had a long hot bath and a good washing. What is it about hot water that makes me feel so good?

I did it! I bought a Sega Genesis to hook up to my big screen TV soon. Isn't that great!?! Now I can play Shadow Dancer (Shinobi 2) til I puke! Whoo! Go me in this one, folks. This game was so fucking hard when it came out that I played for so many long hours back then.

Next up is a Nintendo. The big reason is that I want what Nick has, Ninja Gaiden. That game is so much fun as well as a bit tricky in some places. However, I mastered it and I'm that damn good at what I do. Killing ninjas a scaling walls is just some of the stuff I wanna go back to doing. Nothing like kicking ass and taking no names in this case.

Anyone gonna wish me off? I leave on Thursday night for a night of male bonding at its best: beer and no estrogen content. Could this be a time where we all discover that someone has been living in the closet? I am so sleeping on the floor in this case since I can't even hug a guy. Oh, I kid!

*Suddenly I am wondering what today's date is*

My dogs are outside chasing bumblebees again. We have a nest of them each year near my window. Even though I love bumblebees, they are flying a bit too close to my little pups. Bonnie and Clyde snap at them as they fly by.

Dad wants me to go to Blockbuster to get Equilibrium and Nurse Betty. I don't know if it's a Renee Zellweger need or something else for him. I cannot stand her. It must be something to do with Renee's potato looking face. Whatever it is, Equilibrium will more than make up for it. It's a bit like the Matrix. Thta's all I will say. I'll be back if I can.......... 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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