Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
One of my favorite movies from the past is Four Weddings And A Funeral. I know I have mentioned it in the past but I can't help but think about it once again. If you've never seen it, it goes like this......Hugh Grant's character is invited to all these weddings, falls for one of the brides, goes to a funeral, and then eventually gets married all while attending weddings that involve something out of the ordinary. If you like English/British humor, then by all means watch it!

I'm also reminded of one of the most well put lines in Four Weddings And A Funeral. One of the funniest guys says, "I know why people get married." Everyone looks at him. Then he says, "It's because they run out of conversation." Nicely put. I've seen this all before in which people suddenly decide to get married all because they have nothing left to say to each other. I'm not making this up.

The Hugh Grant character reminds me of me. Why? I now have another wedding to go to in August. Erica is getting married but I already knew this. I just thought that it *might* not take place with her lapse of sanity (I'll get into that later on).

Lo and behold! I get home after spending a great evening in the gym and my mom motions for me to come over. "Do you know someone named Erica?" came out of her mouth. I instantly knew who my dear mother was talking about. Since I received an email telling me of the upcoming nupitials, I have put it in my head to be prepared. Not another one!!!

It feels weird to know what Hugh Grant's character was talking about in the movie. I feel as if everyone is getting married but me. Little ol' me with the blue eyes and orange shorts (sorry but I love them)typing away. Am I becoming stuck-up and not putting myself on the market because no one meets my standards? How pathetic am I? Always the best man and never the groom, huh?

Mark's wedding has really fucked me! I am paying for bus tickets, tux rental, a bachelor party, more bus tickets, and my haircut next week. That's not including beer and food. Oh, Calgon, take me away! What I really need to do is find a naive little Leprahcaun and whack him with my mallet. Them there be gold in them hills!

So, my whole 3 weeks here in my town will be of rest and nothing to do since I have to keep what little money and sanity I have til the wedding. Don't get me wrong. Mark and Crystal are great friends. It's just that I have just graduated from school, do not have a job yet, and am a bit lost in a few areas. My brain feels like a slinky (those wonderful toys fit for a girl and a boy) just hanging by it's brainstem.

On the other hand, I got my Sega Genesis hooked up! *pats himself on back* It took only a few minutes in which I was seriously scared that I would fuck up in some way. Most of the time needed was to take off all my little objects on top of the TV (stuffed crab, Magic 8-Ball, stuffed shark, etc.) to keep from falling as I turn the TV around. Boys gotta have their toys, folks.

Funny thing is I haven't even played this Sega Genesis yet. I'm waiting til my head stops spinning of all these dollar signs here and there. I'm like Oprah obsessed with the fact that Hostess Ding-Dongs are making her diet miserable.

I feel like shit for now. My whole body is sore as a result of this new workout. Tonight's was where I overloaded shoulders and chest. Would be nice to be able to move them. Real men don't take Aspirin. We just curl up in the fetal position and say over and over, "There's no place like home. There's no place like home."

Now, it's night time and I have planned to be on the lookout for a new book to keep my mind at ease. Nothing takes your mind away from financial pickles (I so love that word) like a good book filled with a life to imagine. I'm gonna visit Amazon in a bit to find something, just a good story.

I'll talk about my conversations in the gym tomorrow. Oh, I also need to watch my taped Buffy. All I know is that Faith is still alive so that means I will be one of those that will stick around to see the season finale next week. At least someone else believes that bad girls count.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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