Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Nothing. Not a goddamn thing at Barnes sparked my fancy in being a book to read. I hate it when all the good stuff comes out all at once such as this summer. What am I talking about? Well, the book about a boy that goes to a school to study his powers all while holding a scar on his forehead. C'mon! You know I'm talking about Harry Potter. I loved the series and it just kept getting better. Now, all I have to do is wait patiently til late June.

It's funny how I didn't think I would like the Harry Potter series. Kids talked about it all the time on TV and such that I just assumed it to be some kind of childish book. Once I borrowed the first Harry Potter from a kid in my mom's 3rd grade class, I was hooked! Read it in 1 day since I just couldn't put it down. I get that way sometimes. Hell, I read the Lord Of the Rings Trilogy 2 summers ago.

There are a few possibilities in books. I love werewolf stories since I like the feel of being a wolf in a forest hidden under shadows following the glow of the moon. Vampire stories are fun as well since I like the sense of evil might not being so evil after all (read Laura K. Hamilton). The possibilities are there only on occasion as to finding something. I still want to read Beowulf, though.

Finished a neat little flick last night. If you can't wait for the Matrix or love amazing martial arts action with an odd but interesting story, watch Equilibrium. It's interesting to see thoughts on a society that doesn't want to feel. Feelings are kept hidden thanks to a drug taken daily. Oh, how it feels like the world is becoming just that thanks to our leaders making their ideas more important than freedom.

This muscle soreness has got to go soon. Because it was so long before I got back to doing biceps, I have to deal with it. It takes time before I am able to move my arms more freely again. It's the price I pay for perfection and to keep my body an amazing temple that is sickness-free. I am close to optimal perfection if it weren't for allergies. Pollen is such a bitch.

Bonnie is sitting near me watching me as I type this entry. She has this sense of not appearing weak. All that toughness rolled up into one badass Yorkie is fun to watch! Clyde knows Bonnie is boss.

For some reason, I hope this summer goes by fast. I am not one for the heat and humidity. Hedgehoggys don't like to sweat like pigs in gyms. All that water loss does not go with our already tired bodies. Wish the gym were better airconditioned. People leave puddles. We used to laugh and say that girls left "wet spots" after sitting down. It's just sweat but we guys need to find some kind of moronic humor to make the time go by.

Well, I am outta here to look at something Miss-Edith mentioned........ 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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