Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Phew! Do you smell that? That would be me thanks to something. I have no idea why I smell so bad. It could be because of my involvement with getting rid of a big amount of old mud mixed with rain water on the side of the house. Other than that, I didn't sweat much.

Yes, we here at HedgehoggyLand are working on the house. My dad went up on the roof to repair the shingles. It's been an up and down day as a result. For one thing, I dropped the bag of shingles since no one would help me carry them outside. My parents went to Lowe's to get them. Then my mom told me to carry them outside. Knowing how small my hands are (not everything is meant to be big), it was a pain to carry them out. I dropped 'em while my dad just sat there.

Yeah, I was embarassed as I saw myself drop the bag of heavy shingles. It sucked but they turned out okay. I just hate it when I can get the blame (deservedly so in this case) but when my parents do something wrong, they will NOT fess up to it one bit. Fuck!

Bumblebees: 1 Mike: 5

Yes, that's right! I killed 5 bumblebees outside today. Guess what my weapon was. It was a blue towel. Here I was swatting them to the ground in which they became dazed as I then either stepped on them or beheaded them with my dad's screwdriver. It was jolly good fun at times. You may call me "Linus," after the Charlie Brown character whom always carries a blanket.

There are about 7 bumblebees left flying around the nest near my room. It's inside the wood and the queen should be in there. That means we have to cover it to keep her from staying alive (the workers feed her while she watched Oprah) and having more little bumblebees. They are interesting to watch fly around.

It sucks to me since I hate killing bumblebees. They've always been something I admire because they are......pretty. Look at the design of them, yellow and black with a lot of hairs. Bumblebees are very social and you can see this as they fly around with each other. Yeah, I know a lot from watching and reading about them.

I have to kill the bumblebees since they threatened my dog, Jethro. Our patio is near the nest and I don't want to have to worry about my little dog as he takes his dumps in peace. You should have seen Jethro run from them that day!

We did get an interesting visitor while my dad was up on the roof, a black-tailed hornet. Those fuckers are NOT to be messed with but I killed it anyway. When you mess with one, you usually get the whole nest of them but I was lucky to just have to kill that one. The hornet got into my dad's ladder so it had to be dealt with. This was very big, close to the size of the bumblebees.

It's easy to see who is the favorite in this family. My mom shows me as being her favorite while my brother is dad's. It doesn't bother me much since I've never gotten along with my dad 100% of the time. My mom and I are so alike that it's scary.

Well, I also did 400 push-ups today, watched women's softball, and fell asleep thanks to allergies making me drowsy (we have a flower bush that I am allergic to). Oh, I still smell so I will need a long hot bath to clean this weirdo up.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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