Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log

Well, I woke up at 8:45am for no darn good reason. Just wanted to. Life of the unemployed should not be like this. We should be asleep til 11:30am and hanging out in bars til they close. All of those unemployed should come back smelling of cheap booze and even cheaper clothing while cuddling with our dogs til we fall asleep. Then, we should all hang out in porno shops trying to find bargains. Maybe I should just shut up now.

Bumblebees: 0 Hedgehoggy: 8

Yes, I killed 2 more bumblebees yesterday with my trusty blue blanket. Maybe I should just call it "Boo-Boo Blanky" like in that comic strip Baby Blues. It's a cute strip, too! It saddens me to kill so many of these bumblebees since the ones left don't bother the my dogs far. Bonnie was jumping in the air yesterday to snap at one so I went inside immediately and go the blanket. Killed the fucker right away. The only problem was keeping Bonnie away since she wanted to check out the kill.

I have strange Yorkies. Ellie-Mae, when she was skinny killed a baby bunny and brought it to me once. A part of me was really sad since I love rabbits but the other part of me was impressed with how much she wanted me to feel with her "gift." Yorkies used to be catch rats in the old days, ya know. Jethro is our biggest wimp in any department. All full of show.

Went to Borders early this morning to order the book, Lapdancer. Gonna cost me $35 to get it. I'll have the money in the 2 weeks it takes to get here. Can't wait to see it and read this former dancer's accounts of life in stripping. You see, I really do find this kind of fascinating all of a sudden. Then again, one stripper found me kinda cute, huh?

Okay, I hate bikini waxes on girls. Why? I am a fond believer that women should keep some hair down there. It's sexier to find a nice upside down triangle and see that cute little mohawk around those pink lips. Besides, why go through all that pain, girls? Am I right that it's pretty sensitive?

It's funny how people will do the strangest things for fashion and all that. All of this made me laugh when I saw Top Model and there was a graphic showing of how girls get bikini waxes. Here was one model laughing as her legs were in the air and this woman was putting hot wax on her......uh....sensitive area. Then, the woman just ripped all that hair out! Parts of me were screaming, "Noooooooo!"

It sucks to not be able to sleep at night. That headache was really bothering me to the point that I couldn't sleep at all. Things like "why am I unemployed?," "Am I living to my potential?," and "Why is my dick staring at me?" get to a guy every now and then.

Tomorrow is the big day, folks. I'll be outta here to go south and attend a small wedding that will have at most, 200 people. It will be like a Klu Klux Klan meeting since everyone shaves their heads down there. It will just be the girls and I with hair on our heads. Do you think I'll stick out?

What I am kind of worried about is karaoke. Now, I love to sing silly songs or do my best impression of Bret Michaels (Poison's "Every Rose Has It's Thorn"). Why take life seriously? It's just that I will be in front of a lot of people that I don't know and some could be armed. There's a lot of hunting down there. One bad note and I'm a gonner.

There are some things I am really looking forward to. Next week, Animatrix comes out. If you loved The Matrix, then this anime collection is for you! It's got 9 stories of weird things out of the directors' heads. Looks good to me!

It's kind of funny how the only email I got was from a girl on Diaryland (a fantastic one) but none of the people that usually email me did. Weird. So, I hope people wish me luck in getting back tomorrow or to have fun. Pictures will be plentiful but only if people ask.

Oh, anyone seen that cute commercial in which a hedgehog crawls up a guy's pants? Ya gotta love us! We hedgehogs are prickly little fuckers that mean business. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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