Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Man who fart in church sit in pew"

Cute! I just saw that line on a banner and was laughing. I need all the laughter I can get since I'm kind of in a shitty mood.

The reason things are shitty is that I just got my car back. $120 for mostly labor BUT I did get a new gas cap. Whoopy!!! Yeah, I can't wait to show it off after paying a shitload of money just to look at my car. Oh, did I mention that my service light still stays on? *Growls*

Not sure if this is a coincidence or what since Rachel mentioned witches. Once I got my car back, I stopped by Best Buy to pick up the DVD, Alucarda. It's a bit controversial with......witches, satanism, and orgies. Yes, a bit of everything thrown into a 1972 movie deemed to be a bit ahead of its time by those that love horror movies. Now all I have left is Meet the Feebles, a movie I have heard is very demented.

Now, why am I wanting a movie like Alucarda? Well, I have had a fascination with witchcraft since PenDragon got me reading books on it. Believe it or not, it's not what you think. Witchcraft IS an actual religion that has a hell of a lot more to offer than Christianity and so on. It was the Christians that killed so many people in the name of Gawd to suit themselves. Sad. Those people that questioned this moronic religion were killed for their beliefs by morons.

It's funny how witchcraft is put down even though it welcomes all forms of life. Be it black, white, or green. People are welcomed. Did I tell you that witchcraft welcomes lesbians? Well, Hedgehoggy loves to see women kiss and go at it. Sometimes, I just can't help myself. Sorry.

I'll watch Alucarda when I get the chance. I've still got to see Animatrix, Mad Love, and some really controversial movies. It's good to think outside of Hollywood since they seem to put out the same shit all the time. JELLO and her romantic comedies bore me.

There is one movie that I am dying to see. It's a Japanese flick called Battle Royale. The reason it is banned is that it's deemed too violent. No distributor will touch it but I've read the comic and I gotta say this film has guts to question things.

Battle Royale takes place on an Island. A high school class is selected each year to attend. I *think* it is 42 students. 21 girls and 21 guys. Each is given a backpack of necessities and a weapon. The last one standing after 3 days wins. Oh, if you don't fight, the brace around your neck will blow up. Even though I hate violence in real life, it's just fun to see a movie think beyond Hollywood's standards: only a certain amount of nudity, bad words, and so on are aloud. If they followed me around, I would be rated Triple-X just for my mouth. Who doesn't cuss?

Well, I need to go and check out some comics online for a second. I like witches but I'm not much into musicals but Grease 2 rocks me, Rachel! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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