Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Finally, I can sit down! It's been one errand after another here in HedgehoggyLand.

Woke up this morning at about 8am to take my car in to get looked at. If you really wanna know, it's the service light that constantly comes on. Not a huge deal but I want to know what is causing all this. There is also the fear that my car will fuck up when I drive to Bald-O's one day. It's a little over 2 and a half hours to get there.

So, little ol' me is stuck inside with no car. At least it is still cold outside. Makes it easier to have the urge to stay in. No car = no possibility of life. Oh, to feel like a teenager again!

What was interesting was going on an errand with my mom. Thanks to her being my chauffer for now, we had to go by her school to pick up contact supplies left in her desk. When we pulled up, there was a mom and daughter jogging along with their little white Scotti. Cute. It felt good to see someone doing something as well as feeling good about it. I just hate it when people sit around doing nothing all the while getting fat. Laziness does not suit me at all.

That's right. I hate doing nothing at times. Just a few minutes ago, I swept my room and dusted. There is no way I will allow dust or stinkiness to come into my room. I may be a neat freak but I am damn good at it, too. You gotta be handy with the sweeper, if you know what I mean. Neat-freaks mount up!!!!

My mom teaches 3rd grade. It's not much of a surprise that she has Aspirin in the top drawer of her desk. When my mom and I walked down the hall, I just knew she would stop for gossip. I was right. My mom and I had to wait for the librarian to find out the latest bullshit. Who says all women grow up? Oh, my mom is gonna kill me if she found out I said that.

That's pretty much been my day for now. I feel strange and incredibly weak without my car. You see, when you have a car for so long, it tends to become part of you. My 96 Chevrolet Cavalier has become one of my buds so it hurts to part with it for even just a short while. It's funny how messy it is inside it but how clean my room is. All my tapes are scattered in the back of my car.

I don't know what else to say. If this entry bores you, read the previous one on camel toe. I'll be seeing some tonight since I have to work out. Nothing like seeing Hedgehoggy smack his lips, huh? 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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