Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Never date a psychotic girlfriend. Why? The damn shits steal your license plates! I'm not kidding about this because once my brother FINALLY broke up with his girlfriend, she stole his. Now, I admit that we aren't 100% sure on this but it did happen right after. Fucking hell! I've heard of guys getting revenge and all that but girls steal license plates (they were personalized, too).

It's hot for once here. That also reminds me why I stink now. I went out on errands with a red Perry Ellis polo and a white shirt underneath. Now, I am a little sweaty. Won't the weather make up its fucking mind!?!

Okay, I had to watch Alucarda last night. It's interesting for me to view witchcraft movies and see how they get things wrong. In some ways, this movie was pretty right on in doing rituals, not that I am a warlock or anything.

Was it scary? Nope. Was it weird? Oh, yeah, and I can see why it was banned in several places. A lot of blood (very fake) and nudity. Hedgehoggy loves nice bushes but these girls needed a bit of a trim. For the girls, there was an orgy with flopping penises here and there.

If you can stomach weirdness, watch Alucarda if you can get it. The movie isn't carried all over since it is considered a bit bizarre and full of strange things. As if the Man Show isn't?

Why is it that I was drawn to Toys R Us this morning? There was something that told me to go in there so I went. A lot of other people seemed to have the same "little man" talking to them since it had more people than usual right at opening. To my amazement, I saw G.I.Joe figures, the new ones! Whoo! I bought myself a Snake Eyes that comes with a DVD of 2 cartoons! I'm such a kid at heart. Later, I might get some little Simpsons figures to put on top of my TV. I can't get enough of Flanders since he is so the opposite of me in ways.

I'm still awaiting my Lapdancer book and whether Mom will let me use her gift certificates to get it. That will save me a lot of money. This brings me to a point that I want to describe my feelings on stripping later on. It's funny how my views changed once I was in my first strip joint. Just who is exploiting who?

Oh, I had to have a DVD moment. Got Ghost Ship (bad but interesting) and The Ring (love it!!!) since they were so cheap at the local Hollywood Video store. Gotta make sure they play correctly since they were previously viewed. People just don't seem to take care of DVDs. Is it that hard!?!

Later on today, I have to update my resume since I finally graduated from school. Tomorrow is the day I go for an interview (sort of). My question is if I will find the time to do Diaryland anymore. Will people miss me? *there is a possibility*

Well, I need a long hot bath to smell a bit better. Everybody Wang Chung tonight! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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