Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Well, I am up once again. Still thinkin like a little kid that just won't grow up. Thanks to my childish behavior, I went to Toy R Us to get another G.I.Joe figure (Cobra Commander) to place on my bookshelf of toys that once brought me so much delight. Still miss being in the back of Grandma's car playing with my figures when coming home from Wal-Mart. Memories likes those just aren't possible anymore.

Last night, my parents and I watch Die Another Day, the new James Bond flick. It was okay and quite unintentionally funny at times. Since I love car chases, I did get a kick out of Bond being chased on ice by the main baddie. Yeah, there is something about an Ashton Martin car but invisible!?!

I am not much for summer. It makes me want to hibernate at times since I get sunburned, mosquitos love my blood, and I hate to sweat (but not in the gym). My t-shirts have had enough "funkiness" when dealing with running around.

It was strange laying in bed last night staring at the darkend ceiling once again. I had it up to here with my humongous zit so I squeezed the last bit of gunk out of it. Gone! No more since a hell of a lot of gunk came out and is now a flattened mark. Zits can be quite painful. Hedgehoggy shed no tear you see.

It's not normal that I dwell on entries to do on Diaryland but I have been thinking about this big one I have on my opinion of strip clubs, what I saw and think. There's just something that makes me wait til I feel ready to do this big entry. We'll see as to when I feel ready to do it. Hence my anticipation on getting my book, Lapdancer. Whoo!

You know what's weird? I hate meeting people on to find that they will disappear sooner or later. Joe's last week in the gym is this week. I'm gonna miss him since he and I can stand each other while being around such arrogant fucks and their body issues. Joe and I were never doing our weightlifting completely for looks. He just does it for fun and bodybuilding. I'm more of a healthy kind of person since I just don't like feeling like shit. Yeah, I know going to Bald-O's makes me feel bloated considering what we eat and drink. It's just my feeling of celebrating with friends that puts my normal habits at ease. You can't be perfect all the time.

I never thought I'd say this but I don't miss school one bit. It's been installed in me to wake up, study, go to class, etc. Now, I just deal with what's in front of me. I'm my own worst critic in everything I do. An "A" had to be better or I'd just kick a couple cans to the sidewalk while moping temporarily.

It's also strange to me how much Toy R Us has changed. As a kid, toys were shown in all kinds of amazing ways. Now they are downplayed since video games have overtaken action figures and such. Why the hell am I so caught up in them!?! I should be grown up now and not wanting another figure of Cobra Commander. I've even grown addicted to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon shown Saturday mornings. It's the life of a strange 20 year old. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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