Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Interesting morning! After dealing with errands and such, my mom and I are sitting around waiting on the weather to decide if we should leave for my grandparents' this weekend. If I'm gone, you'll hear from me later. If I'm still here, I'll be around every now and then.

Now, the interesting thing is that my mom heard noises this morning in the utility room. They sounded like a bird so she wanted my dad to deal with it as soon as he comes home (about 1pm). Being impatient, my mom asked me to look at where the noises were coming from. There on the ground near the path of tubing for the furnace was a baby bird making all kinds of noises. It's beak was open expecting someone to feed it.

My mom does not deal with unexpected things well. She asked for me to just "take it outside" where it very well could not defend itself-It's raining as well. The other option my mom had was to "flush it down the toilet."

I just can't kill an amimal. It's not in me. If a bear was attacking me, I would not even defend myself since I love bears......uh....sharks, koalas, snakes, dogs, cats, and even midgets. I've grown up around animals all my life and I sure as hell aint going to kill a little baby bird that can't fly or even see.

Since I've experienced this kind of event before with a rabbit and it's mangled leg (thanks to a car), I told my mom to warm up the car and take the bird and I to the college's small animal clinic. The place is nice and takes in injured wildlife. After filling out forms, a girl working there took the little bird in. Funny how it was hard to part with since I wanted to feed it. I just don't know if I could chew and spit in the beak like a mamma bird.

It's hard to part with little animals that are so defenseless since I want to take care of them. I've seen an Animal Planet segment where baby tigers were to live in the caretakers' homes and my heart sank. I could see myself up at all hours taking care of the tiniest tiger all day and night. Yeah, I could get away from the gym and deal with having my couch chewed up. Can you?

Well, I got other news! My diploma came in the mail from the university. Since I didn't walk at graduation (the boys graduated before me), I wanted it sent. It came in glorious cheap packaging for me to put up on the wall soon. It's nice to be done with school, folks. I've grown up and out of it in so many ways.

So, if I stay this weekend, I'll be around. I'm really wanting to go and see the boys, drink some beer, and bullshit my ass off. It's good to be male! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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