Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Just got an email from Stephanie, a friend from college that married my other friend, an RA. It's funny how we are still friends even though the RA *kinda* got fired thanks to me passing out in the elevator in front of the housing directors. Just another sign of good times and good cheers!

What Stephanie wanted to tell me is that I have a look alike. I have no idea who this guy is but he's on the new Real World. Apparently, Stephanie tells me that he is a "ladies man." Oh, geez! So, now my whole mission of the day/night is to check out this moronic MTV show to see who my "twin" is. Will he embarass me? Nah. I've lost all sense of shame thanks to all those past beer bongs.

Libraries. I used to love them. It must have been when I was a kid since they would seem to be so huge in my eyes. Now, they are small and cramped thanks to an overload of too much information and crap added to what used to be about books. It's been a while since I've been back to the ol' library where I used to work and see all the bums and freaks that inhabit the place during the day. Nighttime brings a whole new look in how people dress since the people getting off of work stop by at that time.

The reason I have a problem with the library in my town is that it is so cramped. Too many books are pushed into an overload of other stuff. DVDs have been added along with CDs. Slowly, the cramping began to push books into an area not designed to hold so many. The people that returned CDs and DVDs gave them back in ill condition (scratches and all kinds of weird shit on them). It made me wonder why we even bothered lending things out to people that returned them like this.

Wanna know how library sensors work? Well, when I worked there, we had to add sensor materials to each book so that people couldn't steal 'em. What it is is a thin sticky strip of metal located very close to the spine. Once I lay the strip on, I had to press the book together pretty tough. Voila! No sign of the strip but it was there. You just have to know how to find that little sucker.

A book that I will forever remember is Madonna's "Sex" book. It caused so much controversy when it came out. There was already a waiting list before it was put on the shelf (behind the desks) to be checked out. The pages were torn in places by the time I got to see the library's. *I have 2 copies since they are worth a bit now-one has the CD taken out and the other is completely kept in the original bag* I admired the library director for fighting off those that didn't want Madonna's book to be put in our library. It takes a strong person to fight the moronic religious fucks in our town!

What's funny is that the smart people know where the good naked pictures are in a library. To check, I went into the photography section to see if any pages were torn out. None. All the sexy photo books had their pages. Is it just me that knows all this? I mean, the library has lost "The Joy Of Sex" over 15 times and keeps losing it. Funny, huh? Pages in magazines with nudie pics are torn but not the photography books.

There was one thing that gave me a sly chuckle. When I worked as a shelver, there was a really squeaky cart to haul books. Guess what!?! I saw it as I left. Poor girl that had to drag that damn thing around while people would look up to know where that sound was coming from. Damn! I miss annoying the bums in the corner while they tried to pee in the bookstacks.

The library in the town nearby is huge! It even has too little space left so it's getting an overhaul soon. 3 floors of all these books that amazed me (I didn't always live in this town but this library's til I was in 5th grade). I'll never forget checking out the book on the movie, Alien. There was even a kids care thing where we learned out to eat wheat. I'm not kidding about that one. It's tough to look all "farmerlike."

Oh, I could tell you all kinds of stories of what I've seen in the library that I used to work at. More often, I am busy buying books instead of checking them out at the library. Weird. I'm also getting into the comic strip "Get Fuzzy." I think it's a cute comic at times if you get the jokes.

Well, that's my take on our library. Just say hi to the bums in your library after they finish urinating on the chairs and bookstacks. Tell 'em El Hedgehoggio sent ya! Just make sure they shake their dicks first. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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