Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
One more full day of Harry Potter mania. Guess who is also a Potter Maniac? Yup, little ol' me thanks to reading one of my mom's students' Harry Potter books. It felt odd borrowing a little 3rd grade girl's book but I got over it. For doing so, I got the little girl a bookmark of "puppies and kitties." I'm not kidding when my mom suggested that's what little girls like.

Even though I love the Harry Potter series, I can wait. The issue is that I have pretty much forgotten where the last one left off. It's been a while since I've read it. 4 years? The night the 4th Harry Potter book came out, I read it in 2 days. So, it has been a long time. Can I catch up in time?

It sickens me that once kids started reading Harry Potter and it became a big hit, the religious fucks come out of the woodworks and start telling how the book promotes witchcraft. So little these morons know! I could do a huge entry as to why witchcraft is actually good and Republicans are bad but I won't. It gives me a sly chuckle to think about how great an entry that would be. My point is to let kids read and figure out for themselves as to what the books are about.

My personal theme of the Harry Potter series? Well, I started late and at that time I was living in the dorm. The book reminded me of life there and how crazy it came to be. I swear there was magic in the air while we scoured the halls for freedom. Then again, there was also something in the air while spending my nights in a warm bed with M. It was probably one of the last times I ever slept so well.

MR, my close friend that is slowly slipping away in religious hoopla, used to read Harry Potter. Now he says it promotes witchcraft. Geez! MR used to love the series and then some moron tells him not to. People need to think for themselves. Muggles should stay out of the land of fun and keep to their area of bland. I'll be the naked well hung elf singing Poison songs while peeing.

Imagination in stories is so hard to find. Authors copy too often and I seem to find books that sound alike a bit too much. Harry Potter had a feel of kids appeal and then an amazing ascension to darkness. Oh, I love dark stories! *Hedgehoggy Howls*

Ohmygawd! There is this girl in my gym that trains on the cardiovascular equipment for 45 minutes most days I am in the gym. I'm not kidding about this. This girl has THE most fantastic ass in the world. I know you shouldn't base someone on a bodypart but I cannot stop looking at it as she walks by. It's my problem with loving a girl's ass.

It's like this. She is totally toned up top but the muscles on her ass are pretty nicely firmed up. When she walks out of the cardio room, it has a nice jiggle. Even Joe goes nuts over her ass. If this girl came up to me and asked me to lick the sweat off her ass after a long workout, I would. Hell, there would be no thought, just me with my tongue out.

Isn't it kind of funny? I mean, the ass is a muscle. What's wrong with liking it? People like pecs, biceps, and abs. Why is it wrong to say, "You've got the nicest booty in this gym!"? People have commented on mine along with chest, arms, etc. There is just something about that muscle.

Joe is no longer in the gym. *Hedgehoggy cries* Yup, stripping has now taken my partner and turned him into a thong wearing meatball. It's not often that I actually miss a guy but he grew on me. Times spent in the gym were more fun thanks to our long discussions.

A tip to girls out there: If you have ever wondered how to go up to a guy and get him to talk to you, just mention the TV or movie, Jackass. No, I am not calling you a "jackass" but telling you that guys love to talk about that show. It really works since that's what most of the guys in my gym talk about.

Alright. It's time to watch my taped show, Boarding House. I'm outta here!

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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